Stormy Night

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The kids bought some stuff from the mall and just hangout in the food court for a while.

Dustin: "This place is dope"

Lucas: "Ikr, it's like the ultimate hang out"

Steve: *He walks up to the kids* "Hey, we're about to close"

Mike: "Woah... We spent our entire day here..."

Max: "OMG you're right, El will Hopper get mad if we aren't home?"

El: "He will, but pay no attention to him, I can handle him"

Max: "We gotta go now"

It started raining hard

Will: "But it's raining, we can't go out there..."

Steve: "It's fine, I will take y'all in my car, In the meantime, could y'all put the chairs like this" *He picks up a chair and sits it upside down on the table* "Just do it on this side okay?"

The kids nod and put the chairs like Steve did on each table.

Robin: "Wow, The kids are doing our jobs..... I have an idea"

Steve: "What?" *He looks at her*

Robin: "What if, every night we can hire them to put the chairs up.. We would just have to clean up here and that's it!"

Steve: "Ohh nice.. But they are kids, They can't work here"

Robin: "Yeah but my dad own this Scoops Ahoy.. If I can talk to him about this, He'll hire them!"

Steve: "Should we tell them?"

Robin: "Not yet, wait till I tell my dad"

Steve: "How much will they get paid?"

Robin: "IDK... They aren't doing big work.. Maybe $20. I mean there are like 6 of them, They can get it down quickly"

Steve: "true true, and $20 every day.. that's like $120 a week, They will be so happy"

Robin: "Yeah! So it's settled, I'll talk to my dad tonight and Let you know tomorrow" *She finishes up*

Steve: "Sounds like a plan" *He also finishes*

Mike: "Done over here"

Lucas: "Same, Dustin"

Dustin: "Yup, Will?"

Will: "Finished!

Max: "That wasn't hard work at all"

El: "I didn't use my powers!"

Mike: "That's good El" *he kisses her*

El: *Smiles and Kisses back*

Steve: "Okay kids, let's go"

*Steve drives the Kids home and drops them off. Mike was the last one*

Robin: *She put the kids bikes in her dad's pick up truck and followed Steve*

Mike: "Thanks for the ride and thanks for taking our bikes home" 

Steve: "Anytime bud"

Robin: "You're welcome" *She smiles*


Hopper: "Where have you 2 been? Do you realize how dark and stormy it is?"

Max: "We are so sorry Hopper"

El: " We went to Mall"

Hopper: "Mall? With what money"

El: "Camilla"

Hopper: "Camilla? She gave y'all money?"

Max: "Yeah she did"

Hopper: "Do I have to pay her back?"

El: "No"

Hopper: "Well that's nice of her, get washed and get ready for bed... did y'all eat?"

Max: "Yeah" *She wasn't even hungry*

Hopper: "alright"

El and Max goes to El's room.

Hopper; "Oh hey Max, When is your brother coming"

Max: "I think tomorrow"

Hopper: "Alright"

Max: "I guess I'll wait here till you finish showering" *she lays on El's bed*

El: *Nodded and went to the bathroom and showers*

There's a loud beep, It was the weather Alert, Saying there's a Tornado Watch.

El Finishes showering and dries herself, putting on clothes.

Max: *She walks out and walks towards Hopper* "What's that sound?"

Hopper: *Looks over at Max* "Just a weather alert, Tornado Watch"

Max: "Tornado Watch...."

Hopper: "Yeah stay with El, if it changes, I'll let y'all know, Then we'll go to the storm shelter"

Max: "Okay" *She walks back to El's room* "Hey El, we're under a Tornado Watch"

El: *Looks at her confused and looks up at the ceiling*

Max: "No no, it means we are at 50% chance of getting a Tornado"

El: "Tornado?" 

Max: "Yeah a destructive cloud that destroys everything It goes through"

El: *She gets scared*

Max: "It's okay, Remember we're at 50% chance of getting it, and also 50% chance of not getting it.. We'll be okay" *She hugs her*

El: *Smiles a bit and hugs back* "Is Mike okay?"

Max: "I'm sure he's fine, He'll want you to be brave"

El: *nods*

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