Returning to Hawkins

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Adam: "Well boys, it's time to go back to Hawkins" *He gets in his car*

Joyce: "I really love it here, so happy we're moving here" *She also gets in the car*

Johnathan: "Yeah! And I can't wait to see Nancy, we have lots to talk about" *He gets in the car*

Will: "I can't wait to see Mike and the others" *While he was in Canada, he develops a crush on Mike, the whole car ride home, Will was thinking about Mike*


Mike: "Today's the day Will comes back!"

Karen: "oh how nice! I thought he was staying in Canada"

Mike: "He was just trying it out,, I hope he stays here in Hawkins... it would be so weird going to high school without him"

Karen: "I know honey, you both grew up together, but what ever he decides, or what ever Joyce decides, we'll be happy and supportive, right?" *She puts her hand on his shoulder*

Mike nods

Karen: "Good, now get your plate, breakfast is ready"

Ted: "Good morning family" *He kisses his wife*

Karen: "Good morning dear, grab a plate, breakfast is ready" *She kisses him*

Ted: "What we having?"

Karen: "I made Crepes, with eggs and bacon on the side"

Holly: "Yay Crepes!!" *She sits at the table and grabs her Barbie plate*

Nancy: *She walks downstairs* "hello"

Everyone looks at her.

Karen: "Good morning sweetie, you hungry?"

Nancy: "Yeah, very hungry.. but also feel sick"

Ted: "What's wrong? Do you have norovirus?"

Nancy: "no"

Karen glances over at Ted then back at Nancy, Nancy looks at her mom and nods her head yes.

Karen: "Ted, your daughter isn't experiencing Norovirus.... She's having a baby"

Ted: "WHAT!"

Mike: "You're pregnant..!"

Nancy: "Yeahhhh....."

Karen: "We are not gonna be disrespectful towards Nancy, she is a member of this family who is bringing another member of the family, sit honey and eat" *She places the crepes in front of Nancy*

Mike: "so.. is the dad Johnathan? Or Steve?"

Karen: "Michael, leave her alone"

Mike: "what, I just wanna know. If it's Johnathan, then that would make Will an uncle, and I'll be an uncle too.. which makes us,, kinda like Brothers in law"

After they ate breakfast, Ted goes to work, Mike goes to the basement and Nancy goes to Hawkins Post.

Lucas, Dustin and Max all go to Mike's house.

El: *She gets ready to go to Mike's house*

Hopper: "Where you going? It's not time for work"

El: "Mike's house"

Hopper: "I'll take you" *He gets in his car, El gets in the car too. Hopper driver to Mike's house*

Dustin: "So Nancy is pregnant"

Lucas: "And the dad is Steve right?"

Max: "no it's Johnathan"

Dustin: "I think it's Johnathan's"

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