The first night of work

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As the kids finish stacking up the chairs

Robin: "Y'all don't have too but... Could y'all stack the rest of the chairs in the food court? I mean like there's 6 of you"

Mike: "Sure, we can split up"

Each kid goes to a section and stacks up the chairs.

Steve: *He smiles* "Look at them" *He finishes working*

Robin: "Ikr" *She smiles too and finishes working*

They all finish.

Robin: "Well done kids! You have successfully completed a work day! Well night, How do you feel?"

Mike: "Awesome" *He smiles*

Lucas: "like working men" *He smiles too*

Dustin: "Dope af" *He also smiles*

Steve: "Aye" *He high fives Dustin, Dustin high fives back*

Robin: "What about you ladies?"

Max: "We feel great" *She smiles*

El: "Awesome" *She smiles*

Steve: "Well it's late for y'all to bike home, soo let's go. Everyone go get your stuff"

All: "Yes"

Robin: *Whispers to Steve* 'That El girl looks like a Russian girl they were talking about'

Steve: *Whispers* 'Can you keep a secret?'

Robin: "Uh yeah" *She looks at him*

Steve: "She's not Russian... at least I don't think.. but she has powers, like magical powers"

Robin: "I don't believe in Magic"

Steve: "No serious, she can move things with her mind"

Robin: "Prove it"

Steve: *He sighs* "El?"

El: *Turns around, everyone else does too* "Yes?"

Steve: "Robin. want's to see you use your powers"

Max: "She can't show you her powers here"

Robin: "Why?"

Max: "Cameras duh"

Steve: "Ohhh right, Lucas house is first soo at his place, she'll show you"

Robin: "Alright, let's go kids, half goes to Steve and half with me"

*She puts the bikes in the back of her pick-up truck, half the kids go to her and the other half with Steve in his car, they drive to Lucas' house*

Steve: "Okay Eleven, do your thing"

El: "Put chair down"

Lucas: *He knocks the chair down*

Robin: "That's not magic if you tell someone else to move it smh"

El: "Watch" *She puts her hand out, nose starts to bleed and lifts the chair with her mind and puts it beside Robin's truck*

Robin: *Her eyes widen* "Woah...... I'm sorry if I made you upset.... You have Telekinesis!!!!! THAT'S EPIC!"

Steve: "See, powers. Come on, we gotta take the rest of the kids home"

Robin: "Oh right, let's go"

All: "Night Lucas!"

Lucas: "night!" *He gets his bike and goes to his house*

Robin and Steve drop the rest of the kids off, Robin went to her house, Steve dropped off El

Steve: *Waited for El to go inside*

Hopper: *Opens the door* "Did you come here by yourself?"

El: "No, Steve"

Hopper: *Looks at Steve's car* "Thanks Steve"

Steve: "No problem sir, Night El!"

El; "Night Steve" *She smiles*

Hopper: *Close the door and locks it* "How was work?"

El: "Good, yours?"

Hopper: "Pretty good too, do you like your new job?"

El: "Yeah" *She smiles* 

Hopper: "I put some Eggo's in the toaster, they are still in there in case you're hungry"

El: "Thanks Papa" *She smiles at him and gets the Eggo's*

Hopper: *He smiles at her* "You know, when you get paid, you can use the money to buy Eggo's"

El: *she smiles and gasps* "Really!"

Hopper: "Yup" *He chuckles a bit* "When you finish, put the toaster where it goes, and go to bed.. It's 11pm"

El: "Okay" *She eats the Eggo, While hopper goes to bed*

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