Returning to Hawkins (PT2)

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Adam: "Welcome to America boys, we are crossing the border" *He drives through the border*

Johnathan: "Wow, we're almost to Hawkins"

Will: "Yeah, I wonder what everyone is doing?"

Johnathan: "maybe they are waiting for us at home?"

Will: "oh yeah, maybe"


Camilla: "I had a dream you came here, and now here you are!"

Henry: "I think I had the same dream, can we go to your house? We need to talk"

Camilla: "yes, of course" *She takes him to her house*

Robin: "That guy took the girl of your dreams. She's cute tho, what was her name again, Camilla?"

Steve: "I knew it, a girl like that wouldn't even stand a chance to be with me. She's way out of my league"

Robin: "Yeahh, but you can't give up. Your girl will show up one day,, just like for me... Vickie"

Steve; *Changes the subject, but he's hoping that Camilla is the 'one' for him* "Shouldn't the kids be here by now?"

Robin: "oh yeah, where are they?" *She looks at the clock*


Max: "Well we gotta get to work"

Dustin: "y'all meet me there, I'll leave the note on Will's door"

Lucas: "We should all go"

Mike: "Yeah, all of us, come on. Mom we're going to work!!"

Karen: "Bye honey! Have a great day!"

The kids go to Will's house and leaves the note at the door, then goes to Family Video.

Robin: "Hey kids! Welcome back to work, have y'all spend your money yet?"

Max: "not yet... well there's no mall"

Robin: "oh yeah..."

Mike: "Will's coming back today!"

Steve: "oh nice! How long is he staying here? Or is he moving to Canada for good?"

Dustin; "We don't know"

Robin: "Well get to work okay, it was a pretty chill day, Well, it was interesting"

Max: "How?"

Steve: "Some guy name Henry came here and Camilla was here too. Camilla said, Henry and her went to the Lab together. Just like with you El"

El: *her eyes widen* "Henry??"

Mike: "do you know him El?"

El: "yeah.. he and Camilla,, they did stuff. In their room"

Steve: "Like sex? Kissing? Touching, all of the above?"

El nods her head yes.

Max: "Woahhh"

Dustin: "holy shit..."

Robin: "Okay!! Moving on.. let's get to work now"

Lucas: "This Henry guy... and Camilla, wow.. how will Brenner react?"

El: "Not good"

Everyone looks at El

Mike: "What do you mean?" *He looks at her*

El: "I mean, not good. Bad"

Max: "so we should get rid of him?"

El: "no. Stay out of it, all of you"

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