Max spends time with Eleven

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Max: *Wakes up in her bedroom and sees Billy* "Shit, you scared me"

Billy: "Mom and dad are gone for the weekend and I'm stuck with you, So what Ima do is leave you with some friend that is a Girl"

Max: "So you're gonna drop me off with a friend just so you don't have to watch me?"

Billy: "You are 13, you don't need me to watch you. So get your stuff ready" *He walks out her room and smokes a cig*

Max: *uses the house phone and calls Lucas* "Hey Do you know Eleven's phone number?"
Lucas: "Uh no, why?"

Max: "My parents are out of town and Billy doesn't wanna take responsibility and watch me, so he's gonna take me to her house"
Lucas: "I know her address"

Max: "Okay, what is it?" *She writes down the address* "kk thanks, Try to go there too, I miss you"

Lucas: "I miss you too and okay, Should I call the rest of the Party?"

Max: "If you want too sure, I gotta go!"

Billy: "MAX are you ready??"

Max; "Yeah" *She puts random clothes in a bag and takes her skateboard with her*

Billy; "So where we going? It better not be Lucas"

Max: "No it's a girl named Eleven"

Billy: "Eleven, the fuck name is that?"

Max: "It's a Russian name, here's her address" 

Billy: "Alright" *He drives to El's house, while smoking a cig*


Hopper: *sees a car pull up* "Who the hell is that?"

El: *Looks out the window*

Hopper: *he pulls her back* "Not too close.. stay behind me"

El: *She stands behind him*

Billy: "A police lives here?" *He turns off his car and walks towards the door*

El: "yeah that's her dad" *She follows him*

Billy: *knocks on the door*

Hopper: *Opens the door* "May I help you?"

Billy: "Yes please, I was wondering if my sister Maxine could stay here for the weekend, our parents are out of town and Ima be super busy and won't be able to watch her.. She says Eleven is her friend and lives here"

Hopper: "Yeah? I guess"

El: *Looks at Max and smiles a bit*

Billy: "Okay Max, be a good girl and do what ever he says okay?, Have a nice day sir" *He winks at El and walks to his car, driving home*

Max: *She rolls her eyes and walks inside* "Thanks for allowing me to stay here with El"

Hopper: "No problem, Ima bout to head to work, you girls behave" *He puts his hat on and drives to work*

El: "You want to come to my room?"

Max: "Sure" *She smiles and Follows El to her room*

El: "Here is it"

Max: "Nice" *She looks around and sees a pic of a a Woman and a girl* "who are they, if I may ask?"

El: *She looks at the picture* "mama and sister" 

Max: "They are pretty" 

El: "Thank you"

Max: "So is that guy we saw at the Wedding, is he your real dad? Or is Hopper your real dad?"

El: "Hopper is my New papa, Bad man was my old Papa. He made me and my sister think he's our papa"

Max: "Hopper is your adoptive father and this dude made you and your sister call him papa"

El: *nodded*

Max: "Im sorry I'm starting the convo like this, I just want to get to know you better, sure I can ask Mike or Lucas, but I want to hear from your side, you know? Like that guy you saw with me, He's not my real brother, he's my step brother. He's like my version of Bad man"

El: "He winked at me"

Max: "He did?, Damn, don't pay any attention to him, he acts all nice and innocent and shit but really, he's an asshole."

El: "Mouth breather" 

Max: "Huh?"

El: "Asshole is like Mouth Breather, knuckle head"

Max: "Oh sure, I guess you can sugar coat it" 

*The girls continue talking and have like a girls day, when Hopper comes home from work, he takes them out for pizza*

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