Package in the mail

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Later that day, Brenner and Camilla go home, Brenner takes a shower and Camilla just lays on the bed, someone was walking around the neighborhood.

Guy: "Excuse me sir, but where may I find Martin Brenner's house?"

Other guy: "Oh his house is right down this street, you'll see a fountain with a seal statue in the front, and the mailbox should say 'Brenner' House 2131."

Guy: "Thank you" *He goes to the house with the seal fountain statue, he goes inside and rings the bell, One of the maids opens the door*

Maid: "May I help you young man?"

Guy: "Yes, is this Martin Brenner's home?"

Maid: "Yes, and you are?"

Guy: "I'm Henry, 001"

Maid: "What..." *The maid's eyes widen* "It can't be"

Henry: *Shows the maid the 001 tattoo* "yes, I'm really here for my 'twin' sister, Camilla"

Maid: "Come on in.. How have you been?"

Henry: *goes inside and looks around* "I've been okay, but I need Camilla's help, Where is she?"

Maid: "I will go get her, please have a seat" *The maid goes upstairs and knocks on Camilla's door* "Ma'am, someone is here to see you"

Camilla: "Who is?"

Maid: "Come down" *Camilla and the Maid walk down stairs, Henry looks up and sees Camilla, Camilla sees Henry, her eyes widen*

Camilla: "H....Henry?" *Her eyes get watery*

Henry: "Camilla!" *He stands up*

Camilla: *Runs up to him and hugs him very tight* "I missed you soooo much!"

Henry: "So have I Camilla" *he picks her up a bit and hugs her tight*

Maid: *The maid leaves the room to give them privacy* "Do you think they still like each other?"

Chef: "I thought they are bros and sis"

Maid: "Well yeah, but they aren't blood related. They are bros and sis cause Brenner had them call each other that and refer him as papa"

Chef: "Ohhh I see, in that case, I bet they do still like each other"

Henry and Camilla look at each other deeply in the eyes, Henry whispers in her ear 'I've missed you so much' Camilla shivers a bit and whispers back 'And I have missed you so much too' They once again look each other in the eye and kiss,

Chef: "Woah.. are you seeing this?"

Maid: "I had a vision that they were gonna kiss and he was gonna put her on his lap... then you know what goes on after that"

Chef: "What if Brenner sees?"

Maid: "He wont, cause we are not gonna let him see"

Henry sits on the couch and grabs Camilla's hand and has her sit on his lap, still kissing, she moans softly, Henry whispers "I love that little moan"

Brenner: *finished showering and walked toward his bed* "Camilla?"

Camilla: *laying in bed, dreaming* "Yes Henry" *She moans a bit*

Brenner: "Henry? He's here?"

Camilla: *Wakes up* "huh?"

Brenner: "Did you just moan Henry's name?"

Camilla: *Blushes* "What! Noo....."

Brenner: "I heard you, you were dreaming of him, Weren't you, my wife is a dirty little girl ,isn't she"

Camilla stays quiet, continues blushing

Brenner: "That's hot" *After he dries himself, he lays beside her, with his arms around her, his hands on top of her boobs* "Let's watch Tv" *He turns on the TV*

Camilla holds onto his arms and watches TV too.

Erica: *checks the mail and sees a letter for her. She opens it and gasps.* "What! No way"

Mrs.Sinclair: "What is it Erica?"

Erica: "Remember when we went to the dmv to get my Id? They sent me a Driver's license"

Mrs.Sinclair "What! Let me see" *she looks at the Id and it said 'Driver's license state of Indiana'* "we need to go to the DMV and tell them it's a mistake"

Erica: "No! I'm keeping this" *She takes it back and goes to her room, and calls her friends*

Mr.Sinclair: "Did I just hear that the DMV sent Erica a Driver's license and not a regular Children's ID?"

Lucas: *Comes home from work* "What? Erica has a driver's license?"

Erica: "Yup sucker, I can drive now." *she walks out*

Mrs.Sinclair: "Where do you think you're going young lady?"

Erica: "Gonna drive this shitty car" *She turns on the car and drives*

Mrs.Sinclair: "ERICA!"

Lucas: *Looks at the calendar* "Will is coming back to Hawkins tomorrow"

Mrs.Sinclair: "You miss Will?"

Lucas: "Yeahh... he's coming tomorrow tho"

Mrs.Sinclair: "That's great, but why are you sad?"

Lucas: "Idk, I just feel like he's going back to Canada and stay there, forever"

Mrs.Sinclair: "Oh yeah, I know how that feels, but as his friend, you should be happy. If he stays or goes, you'll be the friend who is happy and supportive" *She hugs her son and walks out his room*

Lucas: "Thanks mom" *he hugs his mom and he plays the song 'Should I stay of should I Go*
Karen: "Michael, good thing your home. We need to talk"

Mike: *Walks in the house and sits on the couch* "Is this about Camilla?"

Karen: "Yes, you should stay away from her"

Mike: "Why? What she do?"

Karen: "My friends and I suspect that her and Billy did it..."

Mike: "WHAT!" *He got up*

Karen: "Yes.."

Mike: "I can't believe this!" *He runs to his room and uses his Walkie talkie to talk to Dustin, but he doesn't answer, he's talking to Suzie* "DUSTIN DO YOU COPY??!"

Karen: "Michael! We are not finished talking" *she goes to his room*

Holly: "Mommy?"

Karen: "Yes dear?"

Holly: "Nancy, left this in the bathroom, I don't know what it is. But it's a white stick"

Karen: "A white stick? Show me"

Mike is listening

Holly: "This, but don't tell her I said this. Please" *she gives her mom the pregnancy test*

Karen: *She reads the pregnancy test and her eyes widen and gasp* "Nancy??"

Nancy: *She's on the phone* "Yeah mom?"

Karen: "What on earth is this???" *She shows her the pregnancy test*

Nancy: *looks* "uhhhh it's not mine, I mean. Are you pregnant??? Congrats mom!"

Karen: "This isn't mine Nancy. I found this in the bathroom and you were the last one in there. Mike just got home from work, Holly was with me and your dad is asleep. I don't come up here for the bathroom since my bathroom is down here. Tell me the truth Nancy, is this yours?"

Nancy: *She stays quiet, and looks down* "okay yes.... It's mine... Johnathan and I... kinda did it...."

Karen: "Wow... are you even capable of the responsibility on taking care of this baby?"

Nancy: "I... I don't know"

Karen: "I can't believe this Nancy." *she's very shocked in what she had seen and walks downstairs*

Nancy: *she sits on her bed and cries* "I can't believe this... I think I need to get rid of it... sorry Johnathan"

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