The Wedding (Part 2)

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Lucas: "What's going on?"

Mike: "Will had another Now Memory"

Max: "So He's stronger than Camilla's powers..."

Dustin: "uh guys... It's hella dark out there"

*They all look back*

Max: "El, can you do something?"

El: *she nods, as she starts using her powers, she sees something and her eyes widen*

*Everyone looks at her and the thing she's looking at*

Max: "What?" *They see a man, slowly walking up to them. It was Brenner* "Who is that guy?"

Mike: "Stay away from my girlfriend!" *He gets in front of Eleven and glares at Brenner*

Dustin: "Son of a bitch, what's he doing here?"

Lucas: "Yeah, what do you want?"

Brenner: "relax, I won't hurt you. Eleven?"

El: *She begins to cry* "You're dead"

Brenner: "No I'm not, I'm alive. It's your papa"

El: "No Papa, you are dead" *She looks around to see if Kali is there, but she isn't* "You... You are real"

Brenner: "Yes" *He walks closer to Eleven and approaches her for a hug*

El: *She backs away*

Mike: "You never answered us, what do you want?"

Brenner: "Him" *He points at Will*

Max: "Why??"

Brenner: "He is the main source of this, He knows how to stop it. But he doesn't want to let go"

Mike: "How do you know?"

Brenner: "Because I know all about this stuff, Camilla does too. In order for this to stop, Will you need to relax and go blank, you have to much on your plate, you need to relax and let it all go"

El: "Listen to Papa, Relax"

Will: *Tries to relax*

*Everyone is in a storm shelter, Joyce sees Adam's Tattoo*

Joyce: "What's this?" *She looks at his wrist*

Adam: "Just a number" *He pulls the sleeve down*

Joyce: *She pulls it up and sees 009* "Hey Eleven has that same thing..... are you part of them???"

Adam: "I uh" *He chokes up*

Joyce: "Now I know why Will didn't want me to marry you...."

Adam: "baby, I'm sure that's not the reason... We love each other, I can't lose you...." 

Joyce: "you sure you're not bad?"
Adam: "Positive" *He kisses her*
Joyce: *kisses back*

Karen: "Sorry to interrupt, but where are our boys???"

Joyce: "oh gosh... you're right!!"

Hopper: "I'll look for them"

Camilla: "I'll come with"

Joyce: "Please be safe"

Hopper: "We will" *Hopper and Camilla looks for the kids*

Camilla: "I can sniff them, they are over here" *Hopper follows Cam and sees the kids and Brenner* "Martin?"
Brenner: *Looks at her and his eyes widen and smiles* "Camilla???"
Camilla: *she hugs him very tight*

Brenner: *hugs her tight too and kisses her deeply*

Camilla: *kisses him deeply too*

Hopper: *clears his throat*

Max: "soo he's the husband?"

Camilla: "yup, I thought I would never see you again"

Brenner: "Same <3"

Mike: "hey, You guys can finish this later, now it's time to help will"

Brenner: "Right.. Camilla, stun Will"
Camilla: *Stuns Will*

Will: *He fell down, his eyes wide open, not breathing*

Mike: "WHAT DID YOU DO!! I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!! El how could you!"

El: *Tears up and goes behind Hopper*

Lucas: "Did you kill him? DID YOU KILL HIM??" *He yells at Camilla*

Camilla: "STOP! Look outside"

*Everyone looked outside, it was back to being sunny*

Dustin: "Woah, Stunning Will made it back to normal"

Camilla: "Not only that, I temporarily cleared his mind, he is too uptight and he's like holding it in. It's like if you have anger or something, and you hold it it... you can only hold a certain amount until you blow up, Same case with Will. He has so mush stuff in his mind that he 'Blew up"

Brenner: "She's right" 
Mike: "So he's not dead?"

Camilla: "No, of course not. He'll be up in a few mins"

Hopper: "Come on kids, your mothers are looking for you" *Everyone goes to the main building*

Joyce: "What happen to Will?" *she hugs him tightly*

Karen: "Michael!" *She hugs him*

Mike: "Will had another Now Memory and didn't want you 2 to be married.. because the Shadow Monster didn't want it.... That's what caused the Storm"

Joyce: "Okay, But what happen to him? Why isn't he moving??"

Hopper: "He's beat... So much pressure, he'll be fine tho"

Joyce: "Everyone thank you for coming to the Wedding, were gonna have to postpone the party, I need to spend time with my boy"

*Everyone congratulates them and goes home*

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