Crossing the border

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It was the next day, the fam finished packing, Adam started driving out of the driveway, everyone waving good bye, Adam drove off, Will looked behind, everyone is still waving.

Jonathan: "Are you okay?" *He puts his arm around his brother*

Will: "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm nervous about going to Canada, but excited cuz we're going to Canada!"

Adam: "Will, I guarantee you'll love it in Canada, my house, or well Our house has an in ground pool! And a hot tub"

Will: "Really? Awesome!!" *He smiles*

Joyce: "Oh hot tub, I haven't been in one in a while, I bet it will feel real nice"

Adam: "Oh yeah, you and I together" *They were about to talk dirty but remember the boys are back there*

Jonathan: "Will, look what I brought!" *he shows him 2 CD players*

Will: "Awesome! We can listen to music!"

Jonathan: "Yeah and so we don't have to hear them... Here some headphones and I brought lots of CDs" *He hands him a CD player with headphones, he puts a CD on and listens to the music. Thinking of Nancy*

Will: *he also puts on a CD and headphones and listens to music, looking out the window*


Mike: "Wow, Will is gone" *He also sighs*

Lucas: "I know.... It's going to be a sad weekend" *He sighs*

Dustin: "I kinda wanna just stay here at his house everyday until he gets back"

Mike: "Maybe we can!, We'll just hang out here then go to work, then go home"

Lucas: "Yeah! and I think Payday is today!!"

Dustin: "Oooooh If it is, can we go to the arcade instead???"

Mike: "You bet!"

The boys hang out at Will's house

Max: *She comes in with her skateboard* "Lucas!"

Lucas: "hey babe" *He kisses her*

Max: "hey" *she kisses him back* "Dude the weirdest thing just happened"

Dustin: "What?"

Max: "My idiot brother has been talking sexually about Camilla...... I had to get out of there, that's why I came here"

Mike: "Oh my gosh....."

Lucas: "wow.... He better not meet her"

Max: "He's not gonna meet her, so what are you guys doing here?"

Lucas: "We just hanging out at Will's house"

Max: "Didn't he leave to Canada?"

Mike: "We're here because we want to be here"

Max: "Wow okay.... geez"

Dustin: "We just wanted to hang out here"

Lucas: "Imagine if Camilla falls for your brother....."

Max: "That would be hell, well I'm already in it, being in the house with him... It will be worse than hell"

Dustin: "What's worse than hell?"

Max: "Idk"


Billy: *Singing a song and say Camilla a lot* "Oh Camilla, I bet your sexy af, Your body's hot and I want you bad, Oh Camilla, I wanna do it to you hard, until you scream and cry..... Oh Camilla. I must find you" *He gets dressed and drives around and finds who Camilla is*

Max: "Do you guys hear that?"

Lucas: "It's you're brother, Let's go behind the house!!"

They go behind the house,

Billy: *Drives by and screams "CAMILLA"

Max: *Her eyes widen* "Oh no, he's gonna find her"

Lucas: "But he doesn't know how she looks like"

Dustin: "If he keeps yelling out her name, and if she's outside, she'll respond"

Max: "We gotta stop him!"

Lucas: "Hop one" *Max gets on his bike with him*

The kids get on their bikes and follows Billy.

Billy Drives to the rich part of the neighborhood


Camilla and Brenner were outside, she was in a crop top and shorts, Brenner was outside Sunbathing, Cam was gardening.

The kids stay back and sees Cam

Max: "Wow, she's not wearing a good outfit right now"

Billy drives a bit closer and parks his car, he gets out, Brenner and Camilla are watching him

Brenner: *He grabs Cam* "Come lay on me" *he puts her on him*

Camilla: "Wait, what are you... okay"

Billy: "Has anyone seen my baby Camilla"

Cam and Brenner look at him

Brenner: "I'm sorry?" *He gets up, he also carries Cam as he walks towards Billy*

Billy: *Walks towards them* "I'm on a journey to find my love Camilla"

Brenner: "Oh really"

Billy: "yea, My idiot sister mentioned her sexy name and damn, I fell in love with that"

Camilla: *Gulps*

Brenner: *He grabs her arm hard* "Do you know this man????"

Camilla: "No i DON'T" *She gulps again*

Billy: "Wait why are you asking her???"

Brenner: "This is my wife Camilla"

Billy: *He looks at her chest and his eyes widen* "So you're the famous Camilla" *He grabs her hand and kisses it softly*

Camilla: *Blushes* "Uh yeah...."

Brenner: *Glares at Billy* "Once again, she is my wife"

Billy: "Are you sure you aren't her father?"

Brenner: "no, she is my wife, Camilla, let's go inside. Sun's too hot"

Billy: "yeah, Sun's too hot for your beautiful skin babe"

Brenner: "I'm watching you, I have people who can do horrible things to you"

Billy: *He says in his mind 'ima get her in my bed, I want Camilla' He gets in his car and drives back home* "At least now I know where she lives."

Mike: "Wow... that was something"

Max: "Yup..."

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