The burning of Starcourt

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Karen: "Wow, The mall burned down"

Ted: "Yeah, it's all over the news"

Karen: "Mike!"

Mike: *He comes down stairs* "Yeah mom?"

Karen: "Look at this" *She hands him the news paper*

Mike: *He reads* "What! That means my job is burned down..."

Karen: "I'm sorry honey"

Mike: "Now what am I gonna do?"

Nancy: *She walks downstairs, she over heard mike* "You can work with me"

Mike: "No way, I'd rather mow people's lawn"

Karen: "I'm sure you'll find something. Holly and I are going to the pool!" *She gathers their stuff and goes to the pool*

Mike: "Okay" *goes upstairs, he wonders if Steve or Robin has anything to say about the job.*

Mrs.Henderson: "Dustin, looks like you don't have a job anymore"

Dustin: "What do you mean?"

Mrs.Henderson: "The mall burned down"

Dustin: "Holy shit"

Mrs.Henderson: "Language!"

Dustin goes to him room and uses the Walkie talkie and talks to Lucas.

Dustin: "Lucas. Do you copy?"

Lucas: "Yeah I copy. Did you hear about the mall?, over"

Dustin: "Yeah. I was just about to tell you that, now what are we gonna do? Over"

Lucas: "Idk.. let's go to Mike's house and we'll talk there. I'll tell Max. Over"

Dustin: "Okay, meet you there. Over and out" *Dustin goes out and bikes to Mike's house*


Lucas: "Max, do you copy"

Max: "Hey Lucas"

Lucas: "there's a meeting at Mike's house. Now. Over and out" *He goes to Mike's house*

Max grabs her skateboard

Billy: "where are you going?" *He'a getting ready to go to the pool for his life guard duty*

Max: "Going to Mike's house" *She gets on her skateboard and skates to Mike's house*

As Max leaves. Billy drives to the pool. Max then goes to El's house.

Max: "El! It's Max, come out!"

El: *She opens the door* "Max?"

Max: "We need to go to Mike's house"

El: "Why? Is everything okay?"

Max: "It's about our job"

The girls go to Mike's house.


Steve: "What are we gonna tell the kids?"

Robin: "oh crap... idk"

Mr.Buckley: "you mean the kids who stacked up the chairs?"

Robin: "Yeah..."

Mr.Buckley: "Well, I'm going to see if we can use them in any way here"


The kids all arrive at Mike's house.

Mike: "So, we all know that the Mall burned down. Which means, Scoops ahoy burned down too"

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