It's like a double date

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The squad goes to the arcade, Mike also told Eleven to be there.
Mike: "El!" *he hugs and kisses her*
El: "mike!" *she hugs and kisses him back*
Dustin: "the whole gang is here. I already placed our order, large pepperoni pizza with large fries on the side."
Lucas: "damn you fat ass"
Dustin: "hey don't call me a fat ass, you're also a fat ass you know."
El: "stop, we are all fat asses. But I'm bitchin"
*everyone just stared at her*
Max: "woah. Hell yeah!"
*the food gets to the table*
Will: "Ima get some cheese dip, I'll brb"
Mike: "okay"
*Will gets up and ask for cheese dip. As he got the dip and walked back, he froze. Seeing the upside down again*
Lucas: "what's Will taking so long?"
Mike: "idk. Ima check, I'll be back okay El?" *he kisses her and goes to Will*
El: "okay" *she kisses back*
Max: "aww y'all cute"
Lucas: "yeah, but we can be cuter" *he kisses max*
Max: *kisses back*
Dustin: *looked away*
Max: "don't worry Dustin. Maybe a lucky girl will show up then we can all like triple date."
Lucas; "and don't forget will"
Dustin: "true"

Mike: "Will? Will are you okay?"
Will: *snaps out of it* "huh? Yeah"
Mike: "are you still having episodes?"
Will: "I thought I got rid of them. But i guess they are coming back"
Mike: "we can ask Kanay if she can cast a protection spell or anything to get rid of it. But for now, let's eat. Food is getting a bit cold okay?"
Will: "okay" *they both walk back to the table and eat*

Lucas: "what happen?"
Mike: "line was long"
Will: *thinks about that episode. It involved Sara, Hopper's daughter* "yeah..."
Max: "this pizza is so good. Nothing that I have tasted"
Dustin; "y'all don't have pizza in California?"
Max: "uh duh. We do, it just isn't as good as here"
Dustin: " ooooh"
Lucas: "dummy"
Mike: "hey stop with the name calling. We came here to chill not argue"
Max: "yeah!"
Lucas: "why are you acting like a mom?"
Mike: "I'm not. I just wanna chill okay?"
Lucas: "okay" *They all continue eating*
Dustin: "then we can all play games"

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