Going to StarCourt Mall

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Max: "So, are you excited for this new mall?"

El: "Mall?"

Max: "Yeah a place where you can buy things, like clothes, food. A place to hangout"

El: "Shop?"

Max: "Yeah exactly, shop. You wanna go? We can invite the boys too"

El: *nodded*

Lucas: *Knocked on the door*

Max: "That must be Lucas" *She opens the door* "Baby!" *She kisses him*

Lucas: *Kisses back* "Hey babe, Hey El"

El: "Hi Lucas" *she smiles a bit*

Max: "We're heading to the new mall, wanna join us?"

Lucas: "Sure, lets go" *They all go outside*

Max: "Hey El, If you want, you can ride with Lucas, I got my skateboard"

Lucas: "Hop on El" 

El: *She gets on Lucas' bike and they go to Mike's house*

The kids knock on Mike's door, he opens it and they go to the basement, Dustin and Will are there.

Lucas: "Hey, the girls wanna go to that mall"

Mike: *He kisses Eleven* "You do?"

El: *Kisses back and nods*

Dustin: "That sounds fun, I wanna see the place. I've seen the commercials"

Will: "Um sure..." *he doesn't sound like he wanna go*

Mike: "MOM we're gonna go to the Mall!"

Karen: "Okay be safe!" 

The kids go outside on their bikes, El goes with Mike and Max goes with Lucas, they go to the mall, Will stops for a second, he has another now memory of the place.

Will: "Uh you guys.... I don't think this is a good idea"

Mike: *everyone looks at him* "This place is new, it can be scary but let's give it a go"

Will: *He takes a deep breathe* "Okay"

They go inside and all say wow.

El: "This is Mall?"

Mike: "Yup" *He holds her hand, She holds back*

Dustin: "This place looks awesome"

Lucas: "Yeah it does" *He holds Max's hand*

Max: "It's epic" *She holds his hand*

Will: *Is very paranoid, looking every corner thinking somethings out to get him*

Dustin: "Hey y'all want some Ice cream? I kinda do"

Mike: "Yeah"

Everyone agrees and they go to Scoops Ahoy.

Dustin: *Sees the girl working there* "Woah, she's hot"

Will: "Who is?"

Dustin: "That girl working there"

Will: "Oh yeah.. she is"

They were next in line

Mike: "Hey does anyone have money???"

Lucas: "shit, I don't"

Max: "Me either...."

Dustin: "Son of a bitch, how could we forget the most important thing"

*Camilla was walking, holding a Claire's bag*

El: *Tugged on Mike's arm, showing him Camilla*

Mike: "Camilla! Can you come here please?"

Camilla: *walks towards them*

Mike: "We kinda want Ice cream.... but none of us brought any money...."

Camilla: "Oh okay, sure I'll pay for it. No worries" 

Mike: "Thanks you're the best!" *He hugs her, resting his head on her boobs again*

As the kids walk to the counter they see Steve.

Steve: "Ahoy welcome to Scoops Ahoy" *he stops that* "Oh hey kids, what can I get you"

Dustin: "2 scoops of Cookies and Cream" *Robin gets the scoops for Dustin* "Thank you malady" *He purrs*

Robin: "You're welcome"

Lucas: "2 scoops of Strawberry" *Robin gets that* "Thanks!"

Will: "I'll just have 1 scoop of chocolate and cake batter" *Robin gets the scoops* "Thank you"

Max: " I'll have Cake batter and Cookies and cream" *Robin gets her Scoops* "Thanks"

Mike: "Since when did you started working here??? And I'll also have 2 cookies and cream" *Robin gets his scoops* "Thank you"

Steve: "Since this place opened, I need some cash ya know?"

Mike: "Yeah"

El: *She looks at the menu* "Cookie dough flavor and Vanilla" *Robin gets her the scoops* "Thank you"

Steve: "Anything else?"

Camilla: "That's all"

Steve: *Looks at Camilla, he develops a crush on her* "That will be $20 even" (Random price)

Camilla: *Pays $20 and leaves a $5 tip* "Here you go"

Steve: "Thanks, have a great day"

The kids sit at a table and eat their ice cream.

Mike: "What ya doing here Cam?"

Camilla: "Shopping, I got stuff from Claire's"

Dustin: "Brenner not here, right?"

El: *Looks at Camilla* 

Camilla: "No, he's at his place"

El: *Sighs in relief*

Camilla: "So since y'all don't have any money...." *She gives them each $20* 

Mike: "Are you sure?"

Camilla: "Yeah I'm sure" *She smiles*

Kids: "Thanks Cam!" *They all hug her, she hugs them back* 

Camilla: "No problem! I gotta get back home, Have fun shopping and stay together" *She gets up and walks to the exit*

Mike: "Okay, We will. Let's start shopping!"

The kids cheer and walk around the mall.

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