The new job

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The kids all meet up at Mike's place, Mike went over to El's house, Hopper is there too.

Mike: "Hopper?"

Hopper: "Yes?"

Mike: "El, my friends and I all got job offerings"

Hopper: *He looks at him* "Where???"

Mike: "Scoops Ahoy"

Hopper: "El can not go"

El; "Why"

Hopper: "Because you can not be seen.... okay"

Mike: "Hop, we're gonna go when the mall closes.. we're just gonna stack up chairs"

Hopper: "Is that it?"

Mike: "Yes, plus we'll be getting paid $140 a week"

Hopper: *Looks at El* "Oh, so you'll be bringing money to the house, fine"

El: *Smiles*

Hopper: "Please be safe!"

Mike: "We will!" *El gets on his bike, and they go to his house* "Y'all ready?"

All: "Yes!"

The kids bike off to the mall, it was about an hour before the mall closes, so they can have time to meet up with Robin's dad.

Dustin: "I can't believe we're gonna work here!"

Steve: "Hey! So what's the decision?"

Mike: "We all can!"

Robin: "Awesome! Hey dad, here's the kids I talked about!"

Robin's Dad: "Ahoy kids! Welcome aboard! Here's some papers you need to fill out.. I already got your name tags, so when I call your name.. come up and get it. Mike" Mike gets his badge.

 "Dustin" Dustin gets his badge and smiles at it.

 "Lucas" Lucas gets his too.

"Will" Will gets his smiling too.

"El" El walks up slowly to him and gets her badge. 

"And last but not least Max" Max gets her badge too.

Robin: "Yay! You're now part of the Scoops Ahoy family!"

The kids smile and fill out the papers, Mike helps El fill out her papers, later the kids give the papers to Robin's dad.

Robin's dad: "Okay kids, see you at closing time, you are required to wear your name tags while on duty, you don't need uniforms since y'all are working after hours." *He smiles and walks away*

Lucas: "Cool yo! We're working people!"

Dustin: "That shit is dope af!"

Mike: "Hell yeah" 

Will: "We're making that money!!"

The boys are get excited.

Max: "Wow, real manly" *Max and El giggle*

Robin: "Hey put these hats on and your name tags, I wanna take a pic and makes copies so y'all can remember this day!" 

The kids put the hats on and name tags and smile for the camera.

Robin: "1 2 3" *Click* "Perfect! You guys look super cute!"

Steve: *He smiles at them*

The kids give the hats back and put their name tags in their pockets

Mike: "Well be back when the mall closes"

Steve: "Okay, we'll be here"

Robin: "Don't be late!"

As the kids walk around the mall...

Mike: "Will what's wrong? Another now-memory?"

Will: "No.... There's something I need to tell y'all"

Everyone stops

Mike: "What?"

Will: "There's a great chance I'm moving to Canada...."

Dustin: "What!"

Mike: "Really????"

Will: "Adam, my mom's new husband said we can move up there since their married and all.. and said to create more memories up there"

Lucas: "How far?"

Will: "about 6 hours away"

Max: "Wow... what part?"

Will: "London, Canada"

Mike: "Do you wanna go?"

Will: "Sure but idk"

Lucas: "Well what ever you chose... we'll support... right?"

Max: "Yeah"

Dustin: "Yup"

El: "yes"

Mike: "Totally..."

Max: "Wow... a member of the party is going to out of the country"

Will: "We're gonna see how it is up there for a couple days, If we like it.. we'll stay, if not, we'll stay in Hawkins"

Mike: "That seems fair"

Dustin: "Well if you do go, you better call us every day!"

Lucas: "Yeah! and send us pics too!"

El: "we can visit?"

Will: *Looks at El* "Of course you guys can!"

Mike: "When are y'all moving?"

Will: "Around summer break"

Mike: "Oh okay, so you're still gonna be in school with us"

Will: "Yeah" 

*Attention Shoppers, StarCourt mall will close in 5 mins*

Max: "We should start going back to the food court"

The kids go to the food court, and sit at the tables for Scoops Ahoy, they put their name tags on and wait for Steve or Robin. 

Robin: "You guys can start stacking up the chairs now" 

The kids start stacking the chairs, Robin and Steve smile at them as they work.

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