Returning to Hawkins (PT3)

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As Johnathan pulls up to the parking lot

Dustin: *Looks* "ITS WILL!! He's back!!!"

Steve: "You guys, hide behind the counter!!"

The kids hide behind the counter, Will happily gets out of the car and runs to the store.

Steve: "Hey Will, Johnathan, welcome back!"

Robin: "Hello!"

Will: "Is Mike and the rest here? I got a note saying to meet them here"

Johnathan: "y'all work here now?"

Steve: "Yeah, Scoops ahoy burned down so Robin's dad gave us this place"

Robin: "Yup, so now we work here"

Steve: "And well they were here but left..."

Will: "oh okay" *He looks down and walks towards the exit*

Mike: "Hey Will!" *He gets up*

Will turns around and smiles big, everyone else gets up too. They all run to Will and hug him.  He hugs them all.

Dustin: "How was Canada???"

Lucas: "is it cold up there?"

Mike: "yeah! How was it?"

Will: "it was nice and it was a bit chilly. We met this guy name Argyle and he took us to this pizza place and it was so good!"

El; "Wow pizza"

Will: "Eleven!!" *He hugs her, she hugs him* "So do you guys work here too?"

Mike: "Yeah, Scoops ahoy burned down and now we work here. And you too! But idk if you wanna work now"

Will: "Well.. maybe, so I can talk to you guys. Johnathan you can go see Nancy, I'll leave with them"

Johnathan: "okay, I'll see y'all later." *He leaves and drives to Nancy's house*

Robin; "Hey dad! Will is here!"

Mr.Buckley: "Will! Hey, welcome back! Are you here to work?"

Will: "Yes sir"

Mr.Buckley: "okay, here's your name tag and these movies need to be placed in the correct spot. ABC order, your section is U-Z. Oh and here's your paycheck from working at Scoops ahoy!" *He hands him the check*

Will: "Awesome! Thanks!" *He grabs the check*

The kids work, Johnathan goes to Nancy's house and knocks on the door, Karen answers.

Johnathan: "Hey Mrs.Wheeler, is Nancy home?" 

Karen: "Johnathan come on in, so good to see you, how was Canada?"

Johnathan: "Great" *He walks inside*

Karen: "How great! Wait here and I'll get Nancy." *She goes upstairs to Nancy's room* 

Nancy: "Yeah mom?"

Karen: "Johnathan is here"

Nancy: "Can you send him to my room please?"

Karen looks at her daughter.

Nancy: "We're not gonna do anything, just talk."

Karen: "Okay" *She walks downstairs* "She says if you can meet her upstairs."

Johnathan: "Okay" *He goes upstairs and knocks on Nancy's door* "Hey Nancy"

Nancy: *Opens the door* "Johnathan" *She hugs him* 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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