Moving to Canada?

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Will wanted a farewell party before the fam leaves to Canada to test it out, He invited all his friends. Kali was in town at the time, she wanted to see Eleven, She found El's house and knocks on the door

Hopper: "who could that be?" *He opens the door* "Hello?"

Kali: "Hi, does Jane live here?"

Hopper: "Uh yeah, who's asking?"

Kali: "Her sister Kali"

El: *Came out of her room, she's wearing a dress* "Kali??"

Kali: "Jane!" *She hugs her tight, El too*

Hopper: "Wait.. do you have a number on you?"

Kali: *Shows him 008* "Yes, Jane and I come from the same roots"

Hopper: *His eyes widen* "Wow, well um we're heading to this party..."

Kali: "Can I come with? To be with my sister?"

El: "Please papa"

Hopper: "Okay, let's go" *They go to Will's house*

Mike: "El!" *He runs up to her and kisses her*

El: *She blushes and kisses back*

Kali: "Aww is this your boyfriend?"

El; *smiles* "Yes, Mike this is my sister Kali. Kali this is my Boyfriend Mike"

Kali: "Nice to meet you"

Mike: "Likewise" 

Will: "Hey Eleven! and girl idk, come on in" 

They go to the backyard

El: "Friends, this is my sister Kali"

All: "Hello"

Max: "Hey, I remember you showing me a pic of her!"

El: *smiles*

Mike: "That's Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will"

Kali: "So you're the one leaving to Canada?"

Will: "Yeah... I'm sure gonna miss this place"

Mike: "It's okay Will, We're gonna miss you too but if you have to go, you have to go"

Lucas: "Yeah, we're here for you"

Will: "Thanks guys" *He smiles*

Camilla: *She sips her drink and sees Kali, she spits out her drink and walks towards her* "Brenner stay here"

Brenner: "Okay" *He looks at where she's going*

Camilla: "008?"

Kali: *Turns around, It took a while for her to remember* "001"

Camilla: "What are you doing here?" *She's shock to see her*

Kali: "I was in town visiting Jane, and I have a name"

Camilla: "Right, Kali... It's been years since I last saw you"

Kali: "Yeah you and you're evil asshole you call Husband"

Camilla: "Look, I know He's been a jerk and so have I. But I've changed, I'm not evil like him anymore"

El: "It's true"

Mike: "Yeah, She helped Will, she and El helped Will"

Kali: "How?"

Will: "There was this gate that El opened back in the lab, a monster called the Demogorgon and Shadow monster came from there, El killed the Demogorgon but the Shadow monster has a son and is haunting me.... Camilla and El are here to help"

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