Seeing the Upside Down again

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Joyce sees Will acting different,

Joyce: "Will? Honey are you okay?"

Will: "Mom, I had another episode"

Joyce: "You did?" *She hugs him*

Will: "It was about this little girl name Sara... I don't even know about this girl"

Joyce: *She let go of him and looked at him* "About who???"

Will: "Some kid named Sara, she had blonde hair but then she got sick and has no hair anymore... I know it may sound crazy"

Joyce: "No no, of course not." *She calls Hopper and tells him to go to her house* "Wait right here okay Will?"

Will: "Okay"


Hopper: *Picks up the phone and gets dressed*

El: "Where are you going?"

Hopper: "To Joyce's house, you are to stay here."

El: "Why"

Hopper: "Because I said so" *He leaves the house and drives to Joyce's*

Joyce: *Hears a car and opens the door* "Come Hopper, you need to hear this"

Hopper: "What?"

Joyce: "Will had another episode"

Hopper: "Really?? I thought he got rid of those"

Joyce: "I thought so too, but this one was about.... Sara"

Hopper: *His eyes widen... his heart stopped* "W What....S  Sara?"

Joyce: "YES, Will can you tell Hopper your episode?"

Will: "There was this girl, little girl who had blonde hair... and her name was Sara"

Hopper: "And what happen???"

Will: "The girl was in the upside down... the Shadow Monster was playing with her"

Hopper: "Is she okay???"

Will: "Yeah, she seems fine, Who is she?"

Hopper: "She.. she was my daughter"

Will: *Eyes widen* "Oh..."

Hopper: "Do you think there is a way to bring her here?"

Will: "Idk"

Joyce: "Can Eleven try?"


Hopper: *He just left her house and quickly drove home* "El, can you come here please"

El: "Yes?"

Hopper: "Can you bring someone from the upside down?"

El: "Who?"

Hopper: "My daughter, Sara. Here's a pic of her" *He shows her a pic of Sara*

El; *Looks at the pic* "I can try" *She sits down and puts a blind fold on and begins looking for Sara in the Upside Down*

(El looks around and sees a little girl playing with the Shadow Monster. "Little girl?" The little girl heard a voice and turned around. Eleven walked slowly to her. "Sara?" Said Eleven. Sara got scared. "How do you know my name?" Asked Sara shaking a bit. "I know your Papa, Jim Hopper" Sara started tearing up. "Daddy?" Eleven nodded her head yes. "Come with me if you wanna see him" Eleven said as she reaches her arm out for Sara. Sara stood there for a second, looking back at the Shadow Monster "Go away now Shadow" Sara said, The Shadow Monster left. Hopper can hear Sara speak through his Walkie Talkie. Sara took El's hand and they walked slowly to the portal of the real world. As they reach the portal "Through there is where your daddy is at" El said. Sara smiled and walked behind Eleven. As they both walked through the portal, Sara didn't come into the real world. El took the blind fold off and looked around)

El: "Sara?" *She wipes her nose and begins feeling faint*

Hopper: "Where is Sara???"

El: *Begins tearing up* "I'm sorry... I can't"

Hopper: "But why?" *He wipes his tears*

El: *Speaks softly* "IDK" *She faints*

Hopper: *Continued to wipe his tears, he grabs a tissue and wipes her nose and holds her close* "Thanks for trying....."

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