Welcome to Canada

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Adam drives up to his house, the boys were asleep, he parks and turns off the car.

Joyce: "Boys wake up! We're here!!"

Jonathan: *Stretches and rubs his eyes* "Woah, dude this is like a mansion!!"

Will: *Woke up* "OH MY GOSH!!!! This is your house???"

Adam: "Our house little dude, Let's grabs our stuff and I'll show you to your room"

They got their bags from the trunk, Adam gave them a tour of the entire house, he showed them their rooms and then the pool with hot tub.

Will: "wow, My room big!! I love it!"

Jonathan: *He lays on his bed* "Damn, this room is epic"

Adam: "And this is our room honey" *He shows her the big master bed room*

Joyce: *Her mouth drops* "Wow...... babe it's amazing!!!!" *She kisses him deeply*

Adam: *He kisses her deeply too* "And don't forget tonight. I'll get the boys to go to the indoor pool in the basement"

Joyce: "Wait, there's 2 pools??"

Adam: "yeah, And outdoor pool and a small indoor pool"

Joyce: "This house is amazing!!"

Adam: "Since this house is big, it has elevators, one on this end, and the other on their end"

Joyce: "The boys are gonna freak"

Jonathan: "WILL WILL, this house has freaking ELEVATORS!!"

Will: "NO WAY!!!! Let's get in it!!!"

Joyce: "See, I told you"

Adam: "Let's go to the living room, we'll meet them there" *he holds her hand*

Joyce: "okie dokie" *she smiles and holds his hand*

The boys go in the elevator and smile big, They go to the Living room where Adam and Joyce are at.

Adam: "So Will, have you decided?"

Will: "Yeah, I thought about it a lot on the way here, I know it will be sad but my friends all got my back and respect my decision. I say we should stay!!"

They all cheer

Adam: "Hey I was thinking, While your mom and I go to the Hot tub.... You boys can go swim in the pool"

Jonathan: "While y'all are gonna get all touchy in the hot tub....."

Joyce: "Oh stop, we're not gonna get touchy"

Adam: *He winks at Joyce* "Yet..um no, You 2 will be in the basement, there's a small pool there and a gaming room, Take the elevator and check it out for yourselves" *He smiles*

The boys smile big and wanna run to the elevator

Joyce: "no running boys" *She smiles and giggles*

The boys walk quickly to the hallway, then ran to the elevator

Joyce: "of course they ran" *She giggles*

Adam: "I love our family" *he kisses then makes out with her*

Joyce: "I do too" *She kisses then also makes out with her*

Will: "Wow! Look at this pool"

Jonathan: "This is small? It's like average size"

Will: "I absolutely love this house"

Jonathan: "Me too!!" *he goes in the gaming room* "WILL"

Will: *Walks in* "What?" *He eyes widen* "Woah.... It's beautiful!!!"

Jonathan: "IKR!!!"

The boys play video games, While Joyce and Adam..

Joyce: "Adam Adam, we shouldn't be doing this now..." *She kisses him*

Adam: "You're right Hun.. We should do it later" *He kisses her back*

Will: "Ima take pics of the house, good thing I got this Polaroid" *He takes pics of the house so he can show his friends when he gets back*

Jonathan: "I wonder if there's a time difference, from here and Hawkins"

Will: "I don't think so"

Jonathan: "Ima call Nancy" *He goes to his room and calls Nancy*

Nancy: "Um Hello?"

Jonathan: "Nancy? It's Jonathan"

Nancy: *She gasps* "JONATHAN!!! I miss you so much!!! How is it!!!"

Jonathan: "It's amazing! Will is taking some pictures of the place, it is epic!! And I miss you so much too!"

Nancy: "So... I know y'all just got there and everything.... Are you gonna stay?"

Jonathan: "Idk" *He doesn't wanna tell her just yet*

Nancy: "Ohh okay well, I can't wait till you get here! Cuz um"

Jonathan: "Cuz what?"

Nancy: "You remember our little session at Murray's, I didn't get my period..."

Jonathan: "So you're pregnant?"

Nancy: "Maybe, when you get back, please go to the doctor with me"

Jonathan: "of course babe, and if you really are pregnant and if it's mine, I'll be there to support you"

Nancy: "Aww thanks.... wait, what do you mean if it's yours? Duh it's gonna be yours!! How dare you say that!"

Jonathan: "Nancy I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I was a dumbass for saying it. I'm sorry!!"

Nancy: "You said that cuz of Steve and I? We aren't ever together anymore, why would I go back to him?? You know what, I gotta go" *She hangs up*

Jonathan: "NANCY!!! Dammit she hung up, F**K why did I say that, I was so stupid!"

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