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(f/n) pov

It was normal day as usual, Paris is under attack of another villain as Marinette, Adrian and the others are trying to stop. While I try to bring Chloe the bee miraculous, that is until I noticed a new blue female villain with a feather fan as a weapon looking at Chloe with as she has the bee signal on. I soon land right in front of her as fails to notice me, well might as say hi to a villain thru my usual method.

F/n: You know it's very rude to stalk someone.

I said as she noticed as I just lean on my cane as their was a gap that divided us. While also noticing the peacock miraculous was also cracked.

F/n: And the age difference to, man Gabriel knows how to hire them. I mean his desire for some miners' magical jewels must be in the job description if your doing this. Then again I guess your willing to do anything for him, even risk your own health.

She gets angry as I just smirked at her, she then high tails it as I go and give Chloe her miraculous. When I arrive I saw both Chloe and Sabrinna were waiting for me.

F/n: Sorry to keep you waiting, you just had a stalker for a bit.

Chloe: Hawkmoth?

F/n: Someone working for them. Here.

I said handing her the bee miraculous. Sabrina force smiled as she saw Chloe run off. 

F/n: Apologies if I'm taking your friend.

Sabrina: Oh no, it's alright! Just go do what you need to do.

I sighed as I had to help stop the latest villain. When I arrived we soon stopped the villain with the lucky charm being a toy duck, Chloe using venom, Alya, Nino, and Adrian looking at her with shock, while Marinette looked frustrated as she took care of the akuma.  

Chloe: Pound it?

She offering me her fist, I soon fist bumped her as she headed back toward place. Leaving me with the others.

Nino: Dude, I didn't expect Chloe to make an appearance.

Alya: I think it's because she wasn't suppose to.

Marinette: H/n you know why you can't give her the be-

F/n: Yet she also knows the risk and despite that she still want to help others. Thus in my opinion deserves to be a keeper.

Marinette: And yet Hawkmoth will still go after her parents or loved one!

F/n: He does that already, regardless if he knew or not. Most of you know this already, unless your saying that he hasn't already akumatized your family or someone you know once before. I know full well she may have caused it at one point, but denying Chloe something she wants that helps others won't make things better. It would only make things worse.

Arron: Look why don't we drop it for now okay, we stopped the villain, Chloe got to help us, so why don't we drop it for now.

Arron said as Ladybug just looked at me with frustration as I stare backed looking at a girl who thinks she knows best, but has proven otherwise time and time again.

Marinette: ...Fine!

F/n:... Fine

I said as she 'bugs out'  with Nino and Alya following behind. Leaving me with Adrian and Arron.

Adrian: ...

Arron: ... 

F/n: You think I'm in the wrong?

Arron: I see your point... but is it really worth dividing the group?

F/n: Is it worth it to deny someone who wants to do good?

Lets steal this show.(Miracolous Ladybug X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now