captain Hardrock

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(F/n pov)

So this is how I'm spending this day of music, on a ship where several classmates who asked me to play guitar with Julika and this guy name Luka. Honestly, this is kinda nice. I just wish Marrinette wasn't crazy for Adrian so we could focus more for tonight. Besides he'll either come or he will sneak out. At least Julika's mother is cool, I swear she could be a pirate if she wanted to. Although I get the feeling she might need ear pieces instead of peg leg or eye patch. 

Rose: Oh hey F/n.

She said as she smiled at me.

F/n: Oh hey, what's up?

Rose: I just wanted to say hi, after all Julika was happy you decided to help with tonight. 

F/n: Well i'm sure she is, especially sense all her friends are here with her. 

Rose: Well I'm also sure she would love to have someone special with her as well.

F/n: Then why don't you go be with her?

I said which caused her to blush as she walked away. I know what she was implying, but honestly Julika should just say it herself, I won't bite her head off after all. Besides, it would probably help her with her shyness.

Anarka: So how's it coming along me young pirate.

F/n: As fine as the day is sunny, me captain.

Anarka: I, that's what I like to hear young matte. Keep this up, and you'll be my first mate in no time.

F/n: Oh really captain, then how long will it take me to call this ship my own? After all she is a fine lass, especially with with a crew worthy to call her own.

Anarka: Oh my I didn't know you had a silver tongue. You remind me a bit of Henriette 'one eye' Cooper.

F/n:I do huh?

I said as I remember reading a page about her in the raccoons, manage to learn how to see in the dark to. 

Anarka: I, you got that sprint in your step. The same as the lady who manage to steel from the nastiest pirates from the seven seas. And I tell you lad, you got that spark.

She said as she saw Marrinette and Alya at the helm of the ship, she soon walked toward them and left me on starboard side. Where Julika leaned right beside me.

F/n: Hey.

Julika: Hi.

F/n: Your mother seems nice.

Julika: Yeah...

F/n: You alright?

Julika: Just a little nervous tonight.

F/n: Well if your is anything to go by, your going to do fantastically. Besides you got  your friends and family to back you up. 

Julika: How are you... so confident? Where do you get it from?

She said as she faced me with her eyes staring at me.

F/n: Honestly... life happens. It all depends what you do next, and I get up and try again. But some people need help getting up, and their's no shame in that.  So to answer your question, it's because I know some pretty amazing people to help me get back up. And I'm glad to consider you one of them.

I said as move her hair to the side to see both of her eyes.

F/n: And if you need help, i'll gladly lend a hand. Just like I know quite a few others will.

I said as just closed my eyes and gave a big grin. When I opened my eyes and just made normal face, she looked the other way. I soon noticed Marrinette walking down to the lower decks of ship, guess she has something to do.

Lets steal this show.(Miracolous Ladybug X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now