Queen wasp

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(F/n pov)

So this is what a fashion show is about, just people walking down a lane wearing clothes someone made. Looks simple enough, but I only do drawings of clothing and creating them is a whole other level.

F/n: Well I believe congratulations our in order.

I said as I look at my side as Marrinette acted a little shy when I said that.

Alya: That's right folks, the hat Adrian Agreste is wearing is made none other then our bff Marrinette. Anything you want to say Marrinette.  

She said as Marrinette waved at the phone Alya was streaming from. But then lights soon changed color as everyone turned their head to the stage. I soon looked over and saw none other then old hawkmoth himself Gabriel Agreste, quite rare for him to be here of all places. But this does give me an opportunity to see where his miraculous might be hidden, it is a brooch so it has to be on his clothing. Maybe under the coat or the neck scarf, if not their then in a box he carries on him.

F/n: Well this is good news for some folks.

I said as Gabriel hugged his son and cameras began taking photos of the two. 

Alya: No kidding, thanks to Gabriel showing up, it means her hat is going to be in every photo and news broadcast.

She said causing Marrinette to rise up in excitement, as Adrian just smiles while hugging his father. So that's what a father is suppose to do huh, must be nice. I wonder how Lila is doing right now, sense we both seem to share that misfortune and her mother not being with her at the moment. 

(Time skip brought to you by the author asking to remember any touching you with your loved ones)

Soon the show as over and everyone was walking out of the show. I soon said my goodbyes to everyone and headed my way back to master Fu, hoping I can get questions answered about this idea of being a guardian. When I suddenly saw something I thought zoom past, and it only took me recognize that face.

F/n: Dang it Chloe.

I said as I quickly changed into my costume and followed the brat by using the roof tops to keep up with. Upon closer inspection, she seems to be wearing a yellow and black outfit with her hair having some of that black circles around. Looks like she has the bee miraculous somehow, seriously what did I miss in that fight? She soon jumped to the farris wheel where I soon crossed paths with her.

F/n: I see someone has a miraculous now.

I said which caught her attention.

Chloe: Well I'm glad I get to show you the new me before anyone else. Shame however their isn't anything going on around here.

F/n: And we call this moments break time, where we can just relax go on with a normal life. Or do whatever floats your boat.

Chloe: Ugh that's just lame, I was hoping to save someone.

F/n: Yeah, and I'm hoping you can explain how you manage to come across that little hair clip Chloe.

Chloe: How did you-!?

F/n: You see a secret identity is like like an obstacle course for me, easily readable and simple to solve.  Now how about you answer my-

I said as she began using her spinning top as a phone, rude but honestly not unexpected from her.

Chloe: -I'm about to rescue the passengers of a metro that's in peril.-

What did she say!? Chloe then jumped off the Ferris wheel and headed to the subway, I got to stop her. I soon followed her using the para-glider as well as B.F. Coopers fast ability to quickly catch up with her. I soon arrive to she was already running after a train. I soon followed by also using the rocket boots just it was starting to speed up, I then used the grappling hook to to finally get on it just as Chloe's face appeared on the screens.   

Lets steal this show.(Miracolous Ladybug X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now