Office au

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Interview F/n: Well it's been a while and it's nice to see you again Alya. But is this really how you want to meet up again? ... *sigh* Very well then. Yes, I happen to be the financial advisor of the group, although I'm more of the group therapist slash idea planner. I guess some things don't change even after high school. By the way I see Marinette is working here now with Felix, this should be fun.

interview Arron: So... six of our classmates now work here huh. I mean right now this is just something to look good for a resume when I apply for the police, but I might have to ask for a raise. Especially sinse F/n and Felix are working here, God I can already see the war zone. 

(Time skip brough to you by the miraculous office au opening with Claude slapping a coffee mug out of Felix's hand as F/n smiles evilly in the back. Followed by Arron looking a piece of paper on the printer that says the coffee is poisoned.)

Claude: So, since this is the newbie's first week, we should welcome her! Right Allegra, F/n?

F/n: hmm, sure. Although perhaps not your way of welcoming her.

Claude: Oh come on F/n, we all had fun when Felix came here. So why make her the exception to... initiation.

He said as he pulls out some underwear. F/n then looked at Marinette who looked horrified and like she needed help.

interview Claude: Yeah, you could say I'm the office leader here.  Joking around, lighten spirits up. Making people laugh. You know how it is, I mean I even got F/n involve in some of them.

interview F/n: There are times when I join in on Claude's jokes, but usually to help a coworker lighten up or to distract people when a project is coming up. But they end with Claude falling on a banana peel... While I ate the banana.

interview Allegra: Claude tried that whole initiation thing a couple of times. I have yet to see it work out well for him. Worse case yet, Felix. The less said the better. 

interview Marinette: Okay... F/n and Felix. Let's just state the obvious I hope Felix stays in his office while F/n is here. Although from what I hear that was F/n's office at one point.

Intervirew Felix: I'm well aware of Mr. L/n employment here and his opinion of me. But I won't allow it to distract me from my work. Especially with all the things this company has going on. With purchases that seem... odd. Copious amount of paint, mechanical window shade, a commission for a butterfly window motif. These were purchased years ago and I have no idea what he has done with them. Besides this.

He says he shows blueprints for a butterfly blimp.

Interview Felix: I believe everyone recalls how H/n made his appearance in it... That was an interesting way to defeat a akumatized villain.

It wasn't long until Arron soon stepped out of the break room to see Claude holding a pair of underwear and a scared Marinette.

Arron: Claude, Do I have to report you for indecent exposure again?

Interview Arron: Why did I come up here? Honestly, the coffee up here is better. Not to mention I'm called up here on occasion, guess the main reason.

(time skip with Chibi H/n stealing the blimp form Hawkmoth)

As things go on throughout the day with Claude's attempt of friendship, Allegra's suspicion about Marinette and Felix trying to get info from his father. Felix soon makes a stop at f/n's desk. Where a few things are on it. From all but piece of paper is on the done section, to a small kitty section of the guitarist trio with their names on it, and a picture of happy couple with rings on their hands. 

F/n: I take it you want something wet tissue paper.

He said as Felis narrowed his at F/n who didn't even bother to look at him. Felix soon sighs as he lets out a breath.

Lets steal this show.(Miracolous Ladybug X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now