:Mercs and Their Kisses

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He knows he's not the best in the world, and he can be quite shy about kissing you sometimes; especially for the first time. Kisses with Scout are playful. Here and there Scout might miss your lips a little, but then he won't hesitate to tickle you before you can comment on the kiss. He loves kissing your cheek, he finds your giggling adorable. If you happen to surprise him by quickly kissing his lips, you'll see the most flustered Scout ever.


Very stern, and can catch anyone off guard. He might just march right up to you and kiss you, even in front of the team. He can be very traditional, only settling for regular lips kisses. You might have to introduce him to other kisses. He won't initiate a little kiss very often, but when he wants a quick smooch he will be sure to let you know. He turns into a big softie when you kiss him out of the blue.


Playful. A soft ball that loves lavishing you with kisses. Though he will usually have his mask on, he won't hesitate to press the tip of his mask to your nose. This will surely make anyone giggle, and Pyro treasures the toothy smile on your face whenever he does this. On the rare occasions that Pyro is mask-less, his kisses are slow and loving. He will cup your face with his hands as he kisses you. Sometimes he will press his balloonicorn to your face, mumbling something like, "balloonicorn wants to kiss you too!"


The most affectionate on the team. Can get hands-y, if you let him. He almost always kisses you with a smile on his face. He loves kissing your forehead, and around your eyes. A very sweet man. Will pepper your face with kisses until your bubbling with laughter. Loves to hold you while you kiss; usually he will be hugging your waist. He might even lift you up while you kiss. He adores his partner and likes to let them know by kissing them. He doesn't care if the entire team is around.


He's not shy, but will not kiss you in front of his team mates. Preferably, Heavy will keep the affection he gives you behind closed doors, as it's for you only. His kisses are long, and slow, and he loves to run his hands through your hair while he kisses you. He tends to pick up his partner to kiss them, especially if they are much shorter than him, as it's easier for them to reach him. He loves to hold them close to him. He treasures his S/O's kisses very much.


Sweet and tender kisses. He will pull you close and kiss you softly. He loves having you around in his workshop, and will give you a great big kiss if he accomplishes something he's been working hard on. Gives a lot of forehead kisses. Much like Heavy and Demoman, he likes to hold you close. He might be cheeky and let his hands slide down from your waist, but he won't push it if you say no and will drop it. He always gives you a quick kiss before heading into battle, it leaves him in a good mood.


Not one for much affection. Like Engie, he will kiss you if he completes a experiment successfully; he becomes very proud of himself. He can be a tease, often leaving you wanting more. He likes to kiss you passionately, sometimes leaving you breathless. It's all in good fun. He will swing an arm over your shoulder, and pull you into him from the side, softly kissing your temple. He can be a gentleman at times, but then will kiss you and scurry off seconds later.


Very laid-back, almost lazy with his kisses. He won't display any affection in front of the team, the least you'll get is a small peck on the cheek when he's sure the team aren't looking. Will always have a hand on your waist while you kiss, and can be a bit pout-y if you pull away to soon. His loves lying in his camper with you late at night, softly kissing your lips as you drift off to sleep.


Not as good as he thinks. You'll taste a hint of cigarettes, and he tries a lot of tongue almost immediately. Sometimes you won't get a kiss from this man at all, he will smirk and continue doing his own thing. Only kisses you when you're alone with each other. He settles for regular lips kisses but sometimes he will peck your cheekbone. His hands will always weave their way into your hair as he kisses you. 

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