(3) Medic X Reader X Pyro

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I suppose I could say they were "love-sick"...

I suppose I could say they were "love-sick"

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"Hey, Medic." She greeted as she stepped into the Infirmary.

Peering up from the paper-littered counter-top, Medic smiled and gazed at the girl standing before him. He observed the girl for a moment, noticing how she held a hand to her forehead, while a frown adorned her face. Medic tilted his head in concern, and raised his pen to his lips.

"Feeling alright, my dear?" He asked softly.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she nodded in response. Medic stepped closer to the girl, eyeing her form as he did so. The usual glow and warm tones to her complexion seemed to have disappeared, while her eyes appeared more dull than ever; their sparkle being non-existent. His gaze lowered down her body, soon seeing how her legs shook while she stood.

"You're looking rather pale, (Y/n)." he told, as his brows knit together. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine." she said, locking eyes with the German. "It's just a headache."

With a huff, (Y/n) let her arm fall the her side, as her gaze dropped to the floor. She caught the Medic inching towards her, and soon felt his cool palm against her forehead. She shuddered as her mouth fell agape ever so slightly.

Dizziness struck her, and her legs gave-way beneath her. Medic happened to catch the girl before she crashed to the floor. He scooped her up into his arms, and carried her to the medical bed, where he lied her down carefully.

Medic breathed a laugh. "I knew you weren't alright."

(Y/n) lied in a daze, the room beginning to spin right before her eyes. She let out a harsh cough, feeling her chest become heavy.

The Medic shook his head and placed his hands on his hips. "Look at you," he spoke. "You're getting worse by the minute."

He scurried over to a few cabinets within the room, fetching some medicine. Quickly he returned to the bed-side with a small bottle in hand. (Y/n) took the medicine reluctantly, scrunching up her nose at the vile taste, making the Doctor chuckle at her expression.

Suddenly, frantic knocking emitted from beyond the doors, startling the pair. Hurriedly, both doors were pushed open, revealing the Pyro who appeared in a panic. The masked man immediately spotted (Y/n) lying slumped on the medical bed, and rushed to her side. He gasped, though it was muffled by his gas mask.

"Pyro," she coughed. "You alright?"

The pyromaniac nodded quickly, rocking back and forth on his heels. Taking (Y/n) by surprise, Pyro grasped her hand in his own gloved one, gently tugging at her arm, and urging her to follow him. (Y/n) began to whine, pulling her arm out of his grip.

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