(2) Soldier X Reader

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Love... so confusing.

 so confusing

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(Y/n) waited in the Re-spawn room, rocking herself on her heels in anticipation until battle began; in less than ten minutes the crew would be amidst battle. As she gazed at her fellow team mates, the Soldier caught her eye. Her face flushed rich shade of red as she looked away shyly. Soldier locked his eyes on (Y/n), or so she thought; his over-sized helmet covered a large majority of his face. The voice of the Administrator snapped the American back to reality. A countdown began and the team charged into battle.

Deafening explosions and the sound of gunfire pierced her ears. (Y/n)'s hair blew wildly in the wind as she sprinted; beads of sweat rolled down her face, and her legs ached from running. Countless times she had been killed by an enemy sentry, a Spy, and a Sniper. A mere thought kept the girl distracted. She was curious as to why her American friend kept his eyes on her, and spoke nothing all the while. It was not his usual behaviour.

She made a sharp turn into the enemy Intelligence room, swiftly snatching the briefcase from the desk it sat on. (Y/n) ran faster than ever back to her own base, being sure to avoid her foes. In no time, she had arrived at her base, and placed the briefcase down, where the Administrator announced their team's victory. (Y/n) threw her arms above her head and cheered.

Some time later, the team had re-grouped and were inside the base, celebrating another victory. (Y/n) skipped throughout the halls and into the Rec Room, where she sat down with her friends. Her eyes fell upon Soldier once again. The way his helmet concealed almost half of his face could not hide his flustered face. (Y/n) giggled quietly and turned to Scout.

"Hey, (Y/n), how did you manage to steal the Intel so fast? That was the shortest battle ever." Scout laughed.

The girl shrugged with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Good job, toots." He complimented.

"Thanks Scout." She replied.

Throughout the evening (Y/n) would sneak little glances at the Soldier, and each time she did so, he would turn his head away from her being, which lead (Y/n) to ponder if he was looking at her. Her face flared a rosy pink as she thought.

"Alright, spill it. Who's your crush? Your cheeks are red as hell." Scout teased.

"A crush? I don't have a crush on anyone." She replied with her head lowered.

"Oh come on toots, I saw your face. You're in love." The boy cooed.

(Y/n) put her head in her hands, trying to cover her beet red face.

"It's me, isn't it?" Scout smirked.

(Y/n) glared at Scout before rising from her seat, heading back to her room. She reached her living quarters, closing the door behind her, pressing her back to it, and sliding down to the floor. She recalled what Scout had teased her about, and only then did she realise her feelings for the Soldier. Each time the American war hero crossed her mind, she would find her self smiling subconsciously. Soon, nervousness grew as her thoughts became frantic. She feared embarrassing herself, and so she debated expressing her true feelings to the man.

In one swift motion, she stood from the floor, swinging her bedroom door open and began walking back to the Rec Room. The man she was in search for happened to be sitting alone at the table in the kitchen.

The Soldier was slumped over the table, a bottle of booze under a light grip, and a blank expression present on his face. He appeared deep in thought; a rare sighting.

(Y/n) sighed. "Hey, Soldier."

His helmet was nowhere to be seen. The girl let her gaze linger on his eyes for a moment, taking in their beauty.

"Something wrong?" She quizzed, cocking her head to the side slightly.

The girl only received a shrug from the man. (Y/n) took a seat next to the Soldier, merely taking in his features. However, a frown soon appeared.

"Everything ok?" She asked.

"You're not going to let up if I don't give in, are you?" He spoke as the girl shook her head.

He sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you."

(Y/n) smiled kindly, immediately making the Solder flustered, causing the girl the giggle.

His gaze fell to the wooden table. "I'm in love with you." He murmured.

"What was that?" She asked.

Rather frantically, the American repeated himself.

"Oh." (Y/n) mouthed.

Shock flooded (Y/n). She was utterly speechless. For a while, she sat staring at the man before her.

"Do you feel the same?" Soldier quizzed, appearing anxious.

"Yeah, I do." She responded.

The American stood from his seat, taking (Y/n) by the hand, pulling her towards him. Distance between the pair became non-existent as both pairs of lips collided. The girl held her arms around him throughout their smooch. Once they had pulled apart, almost instantly, Soldier had planted a sweet kiss atop her nose. (Y/n) laughed as she peppered his face with tiny kisses, soon trapping him in an embrace.

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