(1) Demoman X Reader

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What an unexpected turn of events...

Indecent thoughts raced through her mind as she simply stood in Re-Spawn room

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Indecent thoughts raced through her mind as she simply stood in Re-Spawn room. Reasons as to why a particular team mate was on her mind were unexplainable. Trailing from lewd to sweet, these thoughts became wild and untameable.

(Y/n) buried her face in her hands, sighing heavily. A bold pink dusted her cheeks in no time. To rid herself of the flustered feeling, she raced back into the heat of battle; victory being her only priority.

Throughout battle, the girl remained awestruck. At any chance given she would merely stare at the Scotsman. Often her team mates would find her giggling to herself, sometimes teasing her too.

Startling her, the voice of the Administrator echoed across the lands, claiming that the Intelligence was in the hands of her own team. (Y/n) watched as Scout leaped from the BLU balconies to the bridge that connected the plains; the briefcase in hand all the while.

(Y/n) jumped from the balcony she stood on and glided over the gap between her base. But before her feet could touch the bridge, an opposing Pyro had blasted her sky high. She screamed as she flipped throughout the air. But soon she plummeted to the ground at an alarming speed; closing her eyes and awaiting the impact of slamming to the dirt.

Before she hit the ground, a firm pair of hands latched onto her. Instinctively, (Y/n) gripped onto them for dear life. She dared to look her saviour in the eye, but upon doing so, she gasped.

Shocked, (Y/n) yelled, "Demoman?!"

Questioning the man was the last thing to cross her mind. Only did she hold onto him as they fell into the water below.

As Demo trudged through the knee-deep water, he eyed her body for wounds. Thankfully, there were none in sight.

'Victory!' Boomed over the battlefield, making the Scotsman chuckle to himself.

(Y/n) peered up at the man, smiling softly as she snaked her arms around his neck. She manoeuvred herself around in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Thanks, Demo." The girl murmured, as she buried her face in his chest.

Demoman merely hugged (Y/n) tighter as he continued on his way back to their base, with an everlasting smile plastered on his face.

While the pair had returned some time ago, Demo still had (Y/n) in his arms. The girl had requested that he carry her to her living quarters, to which he obliged. He dismissed the stares he received from his team mates, only smirking at them in return.

Upon arriving outside her bedroom, Demo set (Y/n) back on her feet. She gave him a warm smile, and watching him do the same only made her giggle. (Y/n) backed against the door, twisting the handle painfully slow, eyeing the Scotsman all the while.

Never daring to avert his gaze, Demoman watched as (Y/n)'s eyes became half-lidded and twinkled with lust. As she stepped into her room, she motioned the man to follow her. Hastily, he chased after her.

The door slammed shut behind the pair, with (Y/n) pressed against it. She draped her arms over his shoulders, while Demo let his hands clutch her waist. Gradually, the distance between them decreased.

Catching the Scotsman off guard, (Y/n) trailed feather-light kisses along his jawline, though stopping just before his ear, only to whisper, "I can't stop thinking about you."

A grin spread across Demo's face in an instant, and before he could give a witty remark, the girl smashed her lips against his. Their lips moved in sync, as they hungrily pulled at each others bodies.

Almost inaudible, (Y/n) moaned. Shortly after, the pair broke the kiss with a gasp, and merely stared at one another with stars in their eyes.

"You're gorgeous, lass." Demo spoke, tucking a lock of hair behind (Y/n)'s ear.

Surprising (Y/n), the Scotsman scooped her up and twirled her in the air. She giggled; her bubbly laughter sweet like honey. But once she felt her feet hit the floor again, immediately she pulled the man into a tight hug, nuzzling her face in his chest. He chuckled and placed a chaste kiss atop her head.

Lifting her head to meet his eye, she spoke. "Shouldn't we get back to the others?"

With a laugh, Demo replied. "I'm sure they won't notice we're gone."

While kissing (Y/n) slowly , he had dipped her onto the bed, crawling above her to further place kisses along her neck and collarbones. Demoman smirked as he listened to the girl gasp and moan beneath him. She shook and quivered, feeling how his hands would explore her body.

Finding herself becoming lost in the pleasure, she muttered, "Forget the others. Just stay a little longer."

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