:Mercs and Their S/O Who Under-eats

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+ Either Scout will notice immediately, or not at all. He spends a lot of time with you, but doesn't always notice little habits you may have.

+ Eventually, after some thinking, he realises that he hardly ever sees you eating, and if he ever does, Scout notices that you don't eat a lot.

+ He is nervous about confronting you with regards to the issue, but he's extremely worried about you. You can very much tell what he wants to talk to you about; you'll have to bring it up first.

+ However, Scout is very caring and supportive, and promises to help you out. He brings you little snacks almost all the time, and will always make sure you have a proper meal everyday.


+ He's not the best man to talk to with an issue such as. If you bring it up, he might just give you orders to simply eat something, or even drag you to the kitchen if you refuse.

+ If he finds you upset about it, it'll be the only time you'll see his softer side. He's not good and comforting people that are upset, but for you he makes an exception to at least try.

+ Soldier eventually realises how obvious it was. The fact that you would only nibble at your plate of food at dinner time, and how you would refuse little things offered to you.

+ Like Scout, he will make sure you have a proper meal everyday, and is willing to give you food from his plate also.


+ He won't notice a thing. He's very lost in his own world most of the time, and doesn't quite understand why you don't eat much.

+ Talking to him about the issue might be difficult. He won't say a word to comfort or help you, but he is an amazing listener. He will give you a gentle hug and hand you one of his plushies.

+ He tends to bring you a lot of sweets, leaving you confused as to where he gets them all from.

+ It leaves you wondering whether he did take notice of you when you spoke to him. If you don't finish your plate of food at dinner time, he will stay sitting at the table with you, mumbling things about eating more.


+ He loves to spend most of his time with you, so very quickly Demo picked up on your poor eating habits.

+ He confronts you with worry, mainly asking why you don't eat much. He will comfort you if the subject is sensitive, giving you a great big hug.

+ He's not the best at helping resolve the issue, but he tries. Quite often Demo asks you if you're hungry, and if you tell him you're not, he won't just leave it there, he will ask if you're sure.

+ It can be a little frustrating that he is always on your back about eating something, but he cares about you, and wants you to be well.


+ He's very observant, and picked up on this bad habit of yours immediately.

+ He's not afraid to confront you, and will let you know how worried he is. Heavy tells you how not eating enough is damaging your body, and that you need food to be strong.

+ He understands that saying a few words won't change things instantly, so he helps you in other ways.

+ Heavy often asks you if you've eaten that day, if not, he will gladly prepare something for you. You'll upset him if you refuse. He is willing to give up the sandwich he made for you; not many people get that from him.


+ Not one to notice, but will pick up on it when he sees you eating less of the dinners he makes.

+ Engie will fret over this habit of yours, and tell you just how worried he is. He cares very much and is willing to listen to if you want to talk it through with him.

+ Like Heavy, he understands that you'll need more than just comforting and encouraging words to resolve the issue.

+ He offers to make you meals, and gets upset when you turn him down. Though even if you refuse, Engie will still go ahead and prepare something for you. No one can resist Engie's food.


+ Being a doctor, one would think Medic could pick up on the issue quickly. Surprisingly, he doesn't. He can be a bit selfish and get lost in his own work.

+ When you tell him, he feels bad after not taking notice and seeing things sooner. He cares very much and is willing to lend an ear and hear you out on your troubles.

+ At first he will propose to experiment on you, perhaps a part of your brain. You'll need to refuse him however, and decide a more reasonable approach in recovering.

+ He often asks you if you're feeling hungry, or will remind you to eat at certain times. He also ensures that you eat enough, and not just a few nibbles.


+ He notices fast. Sniper is very observant, yet shares the bad habit with you. He also has a habit of missing meals, and not eating enough each day.

+ He finds it hard to confront you, but he knows he should. Although that's if you don't go to him first.

+ Sniper isn't good at giving advice, but he is a great listener. He will listen to you ramble for hours if need be, and will sympathise with you as he is familiar with the habit.

+ He reminds you to eat little and often, which also makes him do the same. Sniper also keeps little snacks around, purely for you.


+ He already knows. Spy found you habit obvious from the start. He believes he doesn't have the same problems, but Spy has the tendency to replace meals by smoking. He doesn't realise that he does this.

+ Spy will subtly bring up the subject. He will probably bring it up when you're alone with him, unexpectedly. He cares a lot but doesn't show it. He acts like a therapist sometimes, even though he has a few quirks himself.

+ Spy asks so many questions, it can get a little annoying, but he's trying to understand you.

+ He reminds you to eat, reminding himself as he does this. He smiles to himself when he sees you eating a little more.

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