:Mercs With A Quiet, But Chatty When Nervous, S/O

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What happens when they see how chatty you get when you're nervous? Despite being quiet and reserved.


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He's exactly the same, though he is just a little more fidget-y. Scout doesn't really know how to calm you when you get too anxious about something, he may even laugh at you at first, but soon realises and tries to help you out. He usually asks you what's wrong, and listens to you ramble while you're in a panic. He will give you a hug if you're really struggling to settle down, or hold your hand if you're in public.


Utterly clueless when it comes to helping you calm your nerves. He's very loud and boisterous anyway, so it's a trait he may not notice. Soldier won't know that it's something you do when you're nervous, and instead thinks that you're a lot more talkative than what you seem. He has a habit of putting his arm over your shoulders, and pulling you close to him, and he will say that he sensed that you were nervous (even if you weren't) just so he could be close to you.


Just like Soldier, he thinks that you're a lot more talkative than what you seem. He giggles when you start to ramble; if only you could see the way he looks and smiles at you from beneath that mask. Pyro doesn't understand why you act this way, but will gladly give you a hug, no matter where you are, or who is near, if he sees just how anxious you are.


He's familiar with this trait, though it seems to happen when he's embarrassed. Demo understands you completely, and will give you a reassuring smile or a hug if you really need it. He will let you rant to him, and he listens to you. Though he doesn't really know what to say in order to help you, but the physical comfort you'll receive is more than enough.


He is the best person at understanding. Though he won't know what to say to help you, Heavy will let you rant to him if you're nerves are really getting to you. He loves to hold your hands when you get anxious, and he's always warm so hug him if you need to, it's very comforting. Heavy wants to be able to prevent these outbursts of nerves, and he does try his best for you, but it can't always be avoided.


He always smiles when he's notices you getting all worked up, it's almost reassuring. Engie is very comforting and always encourages you to talk to him, and gladly listens. He pulls you into a hug in hopes to soothe your worries, and without a doubt you'll feel calm in no time. He is another that would like to prevent situations in which you'll get nervous, but try as he might, it can't always be prevented.


He's a busy man, but will notice if you're nervous in an instant. Medic smiles sadly at you, and insists that you just keep rambling, even if he is amidst his own work. He's not brilliant at comforting you and helping you settle down, but instead will reassure you that this trait is nothing to be stressed about. He kisses your forehead and pulls you close to him, telling you that everything is alright.


He's taken aback the first time he saw you all worked up. He falls silent, as he isn't sure of how to help you exactly. Sniper tells you to just carry on talking, if that's what you need to do, and he assures you he will listen. He sits next to you, and rubs your back soothingly, he knows you'll be ok and will stay with you until you're calm.


He can take you to his smoking room to allow you to calm down. Spy tells you to simply carry on rambling, but if he senses that you're getting even more worked up, he will sit by you and comfortingly place a hand atop your knee, or hold your hand. He rubs your back and ensures you that you have nothing to fret about, and he makes sure that he keeps you safe from whatever has you so anxious. 

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