:S/O With Self-Harm Scars

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this post goes out to anyone struggling and/or recovering

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this post goes out to anyone struggling and/or recovering. you're loved more than you know 🩷

*no warnings given as this post doesn't directly speak of harm, but past implications of the subject apply. the general topic overall may be triggering*

(the prompt is implied that these are healed scars)

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(the prompt is implied that these are healed scars)


+ He's in disbelief when he sees his S/O's scars. He's utterly speechless. Scout feels a pang of sadness in his heart as he comprehends the kind of thoughts that went through their mind, driving them to this way of coping.

+ Scout will want his S/O to tell him everything, even if he doesn't understand some of it. He's not good at advice giving in the slightest, but he just wants them to know that he's always there for them whenever they need him.

+ He may not have the right words to say, but his actions say it all. Scout pulls them into a comforting hug. He reassures them that he's always there for them whenever they need him. He also hangs around his S/O a little more for the next few days... just to be sure.


+ He's confused when his S/O first shows him their scars. He's panicking as he thinks that someone hurt them, but upon looking closer, they appear too neatly on their skin. Soldier has to ask if they inflicted these wounds.

+ When his S/O explains the reasons for them hurting themselves, Soldier struggles to comprehend why they chose such a way to aleviate their feelings. But nonetheless, he's listening intently as his S/O reveals this information to him.

+ From that moment onwards, Soldier is extremely considerate of his S/O. He spends more time with them to almost keep an eye on them, but he's happy if he sees that his S/O seems more uplifted after sharing the story of their scars with him.


+ He doesn't understand what their scars mean, or what caused them. Pyro, just like Soldier, might believe that someone caused them. He'll need a complete explaination, but he might just begin crying himself.

+ He wraps them in a loving hug as he's trying to retain his sniffles. Pyro wishes he could make them feel better and take away their scars. He just doesn't want to let go of them, fearing that they'll hurt themselves again.

+ Pyro stays by their side as much as possible for a few days after. He's always making his S/O smile and laugh, or wanting to play with them. He's drawn a few pictures of the two of them together for his S/O, that tells them just how much he loves them.


+ The second he sees their scars, his heart sinks. Demoman may even get teary himself as he observes them, feeling guilty that he never noticed them sooner. He wants his S/O to tell him everything but respects them if they wish not to.

+ He'll listen intently as they talk about their feelings, finding himself wiping away tears that threaten to fall. He cares so deeply for his S/O, and he's plenty reassuring of that. He hugs them comfortingly, just wanting to hold them close for a while.

+ He tries to be as mindful as possible with his words, but mostly, Demoman tells them just how much they mean to him, and if they ever need help with this struggle, he's always there to help them. Demoman is pretty much latched to their side, doting on them for the next few days.


+ He's speechless when his S/O bares their scars to him. You can see the sadness in his eyes as he looks them over. He's undoubtedly worried. He tries to think if he's missed a sign that they needed help.

+ Heavy feels guilty for not noticing sooner, but he knows that this is not a simple matter to reveal so freely. The language barrier prevents him from being caring and supportive with his words. So he uses actions instead.

+ He often checks up on his S/O. He gives them plenty of loving hugs and kisses when they're alone. He also makes them meals if need be. Heavy is very comforting and reassuring with his words, but it can seem quite blunt. He best expresses his love and care through being there for them, always.


+ He's such a kind, gentle soul, but when he sees his S/O's scars, he stops whatever he's doing to ask them if they're okay. He's definitely concerned about them, that's for sure.

+ Engineer wants to talk things out with his S/O to truly understand how they feel, although he won't pressure them. So long as they can reassure him that they're feeling okay and that they're over their past struggles, his mind is at peace.

+ He's very lenient with his S/O over the next few days. If they want to hang out with him in his workshop, he let's them with no fuss. And he also takes the time out to look after them, perhaps making them their favourite meal, just to keep them happy.


+ He's seen scars like this before, but he won't bring them to attention unless his S/O does so first. Medic knows not to push them to talk about their past if they don't want to, but he's very reassuring that they can rely on him when they need him.

+ If his S/O would like to open up to him about their past, he puts aside his work to let them talk for as long as they need to, being greatly comforting all the while. However, Medic feels guilty that he didn't notice their scars in the first place.

+ He puts some pressure on himself to look after his S/O and to check up on the way they feel. But he doesn't want to overwhelm them. Generally, Medic becomes much more affectionate, especially when they're alone together.


+ He's not the most talkative man anyway, but when he sees his S/O's scars for the first time, he's utterly speechless. His eyes widened slightly as he observes them, concern now washing over him.

+ Sniper instinctively wants to hug his S/O right away, but they might not want to be overwhelmed. Instead, he says he'll lend an ear if they want to talk to him about their past. If not, he insists that he needs to hug them, just to at least comfort them a little.

+ He can be comforting and reassuring in his own, subtle, and perhaps awkward ways, but he truly means the things he says and does. Sniper is more receptive of the things his S/O does, and he almost keeps an eye on them over the coming days, just to put his own mind at ease.


+ His usual expressionless face reflects the sadness he feels at the very moment his S/O bares their scars to him. At first, he's almost in disbelief that they would do such a thing, especially if they've hidden it well from him.

+ When it comes to comforting someone about a deeply personal matter, Spy is a little clueless. Although, whatever his S/O needs, he will do it, regardless of the typical stoic demeanour he keeps up around others. He just needs to let them know he cares for them.

+ For once, he struggles to find the right words to say. But he does let his S/O know that he'll always put his own things aside if they need to talk to him about anything. He'll probably spoil them for the next week or so. He just wants to keep them happy.

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