bridge of witch

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WItche is chudail but mohini is so powerfull because wedding night death become so dangerous witch

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WItche is chudail but mohini is so powerfull because wedding night death become so dangerous witch.

van stop at bridge near of that constructin bulding. cameramen staring setup camera on his shoulder. soniya stop the car and take bag to sunny.
one women have a black saree but red body like burning, her eyes fully white. but one hand on her a head of new born baby. she completed her challenge and laughing to see sunny and soniya. sunny running to chudail, but her around so many white eyes. make so scary and camera men focus on chudail.
soniya see body of born baby, some crying on her eyes. but chudail laughing so much. sunny spraying on chudail's hand and she gonna burn but throwing head of born baby, so brutaly. that's eyes around on chudail are convert into weapon like a bullets and shooting on sunny but he have locate.
chudail see that make her so much angry but he summoning, waving her hands and head. so wooden broom come to chudail. she laughing so much loud on this bridge.
soniya have a blue coconut in her bag so she wanna use but chudail's wooden broom flying to that blue coconut and break the blue coconut. that make so much shocked all but chudail laughing and her aura clearly see. fully dark and red, but she summoning loud "watta nasta viluy etopa". they all center of bridge but two side of bridge have big cactus.
cameramen setup camera with stand and going to grab bullet in bag. this bullet was distroy ghost. cameramen shooting on chudail, every bullet gave her turning into ants and bugs. so she summoning loud. sunny's spray on chudail so she burning with so much yelled and soniya going to near chudail. soniya have small knife full white. cameramen stop gun shooting on chudails, but sunny dont stop spraying because this spray only apply on ghost. chudail see soniya come fastly so see summoning so loud, in sky so much chudails round up on her wooden broom.
but soniya throwing white knife in chudail's boobs into heart, she yelled so much her loud voice waving air and also flying chudails are back. throwing to bridge a blood raining. chudails turn into bugs and ants. soniya slip on there and small injury. sunny see blood rain and spray on them but dont effective. cameramen going to shooting camera and focus on sky a flying chudails.
that bridge's two side cactus gonna faded but the flying chudail start summoning "mosa leda hila pela upa nicha hala kila tela lagd". that chudail back with bugs and ants, soniya grab her legs and stand up slowly. sunny was angry and spray on chudail so she burning but laughing.
soniya have a second blue coconut so she have chance she throw on chudail. instantly blue coconut turning into blue air that make chudail burning so much and camera men so angry he reload his ghost gun and shooting on flying chudails. each chudail yelled like a loud speaker if they knock out and faded like a air. sunny was so socked and see black chudail turning into red ashes.
after some minutes. cameraman, soniya, sunny into car but behind red ashes of chudail slowly turning to red saree women but she have live born baby on her hand. she laughing but van was running.
sunny said "we successfuly doing our mission, death of chudail but the group of her, so dangerous see if someone see they have heart attack definatly. but we fight chudail with weapons, but who give us that weapon"
soniya drive van "some days later you know everything, we need to meet him but he meet us actually we dont know where he live. so waited he wanna meet he meet us, but this like a battle so much fighting. we wanna prepare next mission" see road.
cameraman laughing "the bloody chudails doing blood rain with no clouds but on bridge area, wow amazing magic."
they all laughing but sunny see countless weapon in soniya's bag. but why she dont use more weapons.
sunny scary "we upload full video on internet so our face gonna viral so that's dangerous for privacy, i dont know how many mission you both successfull and proof of video"
cameramen laughing and open his phone's video to sunny see the video soniya praying in house with family and shadows of ghost trying to distroy home's product. but blur face no one show anyone face.
soniya laughing "we blur the face because its really haunted and that video share on dark web and also our exposing ghost webpage. because on internet openly showed video, many idiots have heart attack and how we get so much famous, we wanna trying in future but without face we are private newsreporter and ghostbuster at same time. we showed face in future that make famous and danger to our family also"

cameramen show liabrary of exploring ghost to sunny in there phone video section. sunny see every video and see variety of ghost.

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