kabandh demon

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"Head in chest and his heght almost near like a building size" vidhiya.
          sunny "you need me, soniya, ashwin, tanisha, harish patel the fire cat but why diljit and shila not going with us. this is big mission"
     soniya "yes, thousands of years this creatures hiding and eating animals and humans."
    sunny "i think he hase group of kabandh. he still alive so we want big team"
     babita "you see in our apartment of zonkie. where is diljit and shila, they busy to investigate a womens murder. this is mass murder only womens in girls college." angry.
    yash "also i not come. you need some technique help so i just appoint a second hacker girl but she sick on first day."
           soniya "main topic is kabandh is not normal demon. we just win on chupacabra and we dont know how many chupacabra in india. but if we have some information wo we need to unite. but kabandh is more dangerous afcourse he dont have magical power but he is dangerous than"
    sunny "okay, what you said. danger than anyone because he has ancient power. also he hase group but we are only 6 i think. but how we defeated this kabandh."
        yash "that' iam here for information"
     babita "sunny, soniya, ashiwn, vidhiya, tansiha, harish sorry not harish he not talking he is cat, a fire cat. you need anykind of help just call yash not me. i said clearly. iam so busy a whole media focus on mass murder of women. and a internet shacking with chupacabra's death video. so just listen"
   yash "you just need some ancient power like kabandh level. i just search a ancient box on internet video going virla last month, but this box protected by a pure soul. he dont harm you just test you and he dont see us, why because he didnt to scare you but if you fail you panished not harm just kind of mental attack some of hours. this make dangerous because you in mental attacking state so if you harm your self that your fault not pure soul."
         sunny "how did you know all about this on internet"
    yash "no, i just chat with video creater he is also ghost hunter but he not newsreporter so he going second time with paranormal researcher so he just foud this with proof in video."
      sunny "okay, okay. i think its gonna weird we want to kabandh but before we okay, sure. this is madly adventure ever. this time we wanna proof our self we are zonkie"
        yash "that's not enough bro. you proove yourself beyond purety and also who with you if anyone fail they will going mad some hours but dangerous incident ever and remember. carefully"
      vidhiya "we gonna have some adventure madness with some kind of kabandh ancients, lets pack your bags for ancient box and demon."

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