evening of temple terror

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"mohini at temple of shaitan in underground no one know, we wanna find out" vidhya vyas at zonkie's news channel.
ladyboss, sunny, soniya, ashwin, crime man as diljit darji, computer men as yash chopra and policemen who in construction building chapter as a adiya singh. all in zonkie news channel.
aditya thinking "why you need me, you have footage and you see many ghost as you assume but why a policemen help you we didnt believe in ghost story. i need perfect clue if you see something unnatural thinking but if some second she faded away so how can i help you" to vidhya.
lady boss "i am boss, babita dala. we have millions of subscriber and follower on every platform. you just need to around because its big story, black magic witch have a temple of dark god. that mohini killed new born baby and trying to such soul of this city's people without answering"
ashwin showing many bandages "last some days i keep sleep on my bed, so this is really big news in paranormal busters group. we need big team because she is very i said very powerful."
diljit smile "this case shocked all over city because no one know this mohini. but if all know so much terror, she killed child for immortality and no judge can punish her"
yash angry "i just find out other side many paranormal expert doing that, explore various evil's temple all around world just a today morning. this is not coincidence i thing its trap, vidhya have proof but she studying about ghosts. she is not completely expert but you find out zonkie news channel so you definitely joining. be prepare because mohini is not normal witch, i see many types of mohini's all around india but she is more powerfull because she hide and waiting a perfect moment. i think this is perfect moment she want to expose her evil society and showing to world. its plan big plan we need big team but if we fail i think we loose a big chance and also shamefull for ghost busting society"
vidhya in worried "how many ghost temple in india, you see in videos or find out real time"
sunny drinking water "if she didnt presence her and faded like before. we just find out evil temple but no one present, what proof on our beside"
lady boss angry "we dont have time because in first time india have evil temple a real video, okay other videos in other country also paranormal reporter expose dangerous activity in that evil temple. police going to arrest and also many ghost house, hospital, factory other area exposed by our paranormal society and proof of that someone spirit disturb humans and some evil's devottee want that area for praying evil"

soniya excited "okay, we wanna go. find out where is that evil temple. vidhya see that night but exact address we wanna find out"
sunny, soniya, ashwin, diljit, yash, vidhiya,babita, aditya going to van. soniya driving van fastly. morning sunrise starting, they going to jungle and vidhiya see map on her phone. zonkie's team want revenge because mohini distroy parents life and killed his born baby so rudly.

they have equipment for ghosts and ashwin a great camera men but van's watchmen still in there is aditya and babita the lady boss. babita see on her phone a cameramen ashwin's camera and everyon's head camera.
sunny, soniya, vidhiya, ashwin, diljit, yash in the jungle. they only see some wild animals but no one see a hole of temple. the silence of jungle in voices of animals make confusion but also horrorly stuff. some unxpected wild animals entry going to goosebumps all but after see they all laughing on eachother.
evening time they dont find that evil's temple in jungle. so everyon was tired but some group of young hyna follow them. they all afraid and running to direct straightly but diljit sliping in some hole and left of that knowing after so much running. they see backward but no hyna's are following but call from babita to soniya.
soniya sweaty "yes, boss we just chased hynas"
babita angry "diljit going down with hyna's in something like a unground cave but where are you just happy you fare away, if i not fix eachother location locate so how can i know where you all and what you all doing, right save diljit whenever hyna's are so hungry"
soniya end that call and going to backward and see diljit are yelled in a big hole and some hyna's voice. sunny going first to see what is that, he see like a 15 feet underground diljit safe because of stone wall oneside hyna's and other side diljit but hyna trying to break that stones.
sunny jump into that hole and meet diljit but something 5 feets another hole but fill by lights.
diljit afraid "see this hole, some voices and like a here is temple of evil but hyna trying to break and you see other side i also see there have way to out going. we wanna go in this light hole but carefully or we go to team. we wanna do it i think right time"
sunny see hyna's voice " hyna so strong, stones are shacking but i dont think we go alone if we go alone some major issues we face. we go to team and find out second door that vidhya see, this secret door but if we going you know what i am talking we dont have times so hurry"
yash throwing rope of ladder and diljit after sunny going upward. see that young hyna almost break that stons wall but hyna's side so much hole and some loud voice like they come to see who are at secret door. sunny and diljit meet team but see that underground hall hiding. that young hynas breaking the wall of stones and someone walking to second side these before diljit exist.
thay all see young hyna barking on one black gown men. he wear black clothes and hiding face with mask but hit hyna's only touching but most important is he dont know the team of zonkie spectacting on him. this time is perfect so yash has a scope so he just ghost gun shooting on him. hyna's gonna sleep but that black gown men was hurting and yelling he see around and upper to hole. but yash was exposed and he just summoning something and slowly that big hole closing by stones and leafs.

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