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At zonkies news channels' apartment.
babita call karan jha the new camera men and pravin trivedi the paranormal expert in india but on conference call.

Babita "sorry for late call, i know time is 1.30 but late night urgent call" tension.

karan jha "dont worry, just tell what we do with help" sneezing.

pravin trivedi "i am still not sleep because i just saw a ghost but the interesting fact is that ghost is my uncle and he is totally mad and secretly torture me but god hearing my prayers and next day, he got accident. i think worst nightmare comes" loud clear voice.

babita "i just want to say that we zonkies news team want to need your help. we got evil bible in india but the shocking is that we have vidhiya, she is die but a powerful witche mohini summoned her power and she back with her body but she is normal." confusion.

pravin "this is wrong you dont know witches are only know for betral if they aim was finished at the same time vidhiya also not live, i saw many times and i learn that never take help from evils." angry loud.

karan "pravin is right but why did you call at 1.30, okay i am with my family and they also shocking. please tell us clear and short" sleepy.

babita "okay, i tell you. evil bible and vidhiya are given by mohini witch. but mohini told my teams jayusen saif ali khan was betrayl with evil king and also yamraj know this but no one helping. wifes of evil in the haunted house that viral video just a minutes by my zonkie news channels. you know we blur our face but all incidents are real and the most dangerous is that jayusen keep evil's wives for prisonering and he want evil bible." heavy breath.

babita "jayusen want rule the evil world and became new yamraj. heaven and hell dont want battle because this cause death of two sides as well as earth. the evil temple is not in cave that is branch of evil temple, just saw our video that viral more in just a minute cross lakhs" heavy breaths.

karan "are you call us 1.30 for that famous mohini witch and tell us about unexicited evil bible. we saw ghost but we dont saw hell, heaven, evil bible, if you right so call not again because we call you but i want sleep, okay bye" call ended by karan.

pravin "sorry for my cameramen but he need sleepy with his family. okay i saw full video but just be ready if you tell us that all right and we are at some situation in battle. we need great help with saumya you know who is she." clear loud.

babita "ohh, she is future and paste listen on ears by her grand family. her family helping her to do help peoples" loud.

pravin "you right but you know i have much traveller distance so be ready with my equipment and my cameramen" enegetically." call ended.

babita also end the call and saw her zonkie team. ashwin & vidhiya talk in ears, soniya saw evil bible and talk with sunny, dijit, yash for before a hours what happen.

harish talk with tanisha, shila, yamini and neetisha for expalined that evil bibles.

babita "we dont have full information on internet and other paranormal expert but we have baba i dont know where he go but he meet us soon, that's my prediction and that is fully right" loud.

harish "yash told me about every detail on interenet that is if you talk and spell word for evil bible and that make blank page into your enswer word." loud.

bible "you know who is paranormal expert saumya famous in all over india by her small age because she is same age like harish but in not other body. also she have her whole family soul like a team they will help him to do saw past and future about some peoples, many peoples" heavy breath and loud.

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