Chapter -45

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All I need is your smile and hug to heal -Drake

Narrator point of view
After getting out of the car Tanya's worried eyes fell on her husband who was ushered inside the house with the help of Alex and Dylan . Micheal was waiting for them and began treating Drake's injury . Everyone was able to see the concern for Drake in tanya's eyes which made them happy . Even she herself was in a dilemma whereas her Brain told her that she was worried for him because of humanly nature or humanity the heart said that it's nit true . She was worried because she knew that felt something for him , something different , something strange , unique but it was now just couldn't be described into words . It easier to feel your feelings then to give an actual name to them .
In the early morning clouds , the forest house looked like an enchanted home . With tall tress surrounding the house , with the clear small river of stream , with the chirping of the birds the whole forest came alive . The movement of footsteps on the hard wooden floor can be heard inside the house . Tanya waited impatiently waiting in the corridor as Micheal told her to wait as Drake was carried into the room . His blood soaked arm disturbed her the most . She felt a weird pain in her heart as her heart squeezed a bit thinking what would happen if he was in a serious condition . She was no longer able to see him as the same person she use to see earlier . He appeared different and that made her react differently . Theo and his family was there too he catched tanya's hand and made her sit . Though she was terrified after hearing all those gunshots and that bloodshed evident on the shirts of Dylan and alex and possibly everyone there except Theo , his family , Jordan and tanya . The smell of gunpowder was there in the room environment . The men's shirts were smeared with the enemy blood . It bothered her a lot  . After a few minutes a laughing Micheal and Drake came out of the room changed into a new shirt and pajama . He arm injury was dressed completely . Just when Tanya's eye caught the noise of her laughing husband without thinking anything she marched into his direction fuming in some feelings .

Even after seeing uncle aunt and my brothers fine my heart was not at peace and what bothered me more was Drake's unconsciousness . He was in pain and it somehow was affecting me . Maybe you are feeling something for him her heart whispered to her . And what that could be ? She whispered back . That I leave you to figure out the heart told her . While her brain told her it was out of humanly nature or she was being just sympathetic towards him she couldn't convince herself . She was wanted to see was his dark black eyes and that smile shining with affection and pride  whenever he saw her . What the h*ll I am thinking ? He saved me family , he took care of me maybe that's why I am feeling a bit sad and worried about him.  It's nothing else . Just than uncle Theo catched my hand in his firm hold and told me to sit for a while . How can I sit uncle I just want to see him although I badly wanted to say that but I also don't want to give any weird assumption to everyone present here with each second my mind was getting restless and my heart was telling me that everything will fine and I somehow decided to listen to my heart . My brain was continuously racking me with questions like shouldn't I be happy that he is in pain and I was having no answer to reply back . Suddenly we heard a laughter and my eyes caught the attention of Drake coming out of the room with Michael behaving like nothing happened . I don't know why I was filled with a different emotions which automatically forced my legs to go in his direction and soon I found myself standing in front of me .

The conversation
T:- Tanya , D:- Drake
( A silence fill the environment as everyone noticed the steel gaze of tanya on Drake's arm filled with worry and some tiny affection )
T:- (she tried to yell at him but instead found herself saying this ) told me you were feeling dizzy why are you laughing . Leave that . First tell me how are you feeling now .
D:- (smiling after noticing tanya's soft gaze on him ) I am fine love . The bullet just grazed my arm nothing else and about telling you that I was feeling dizzy I just want to be in your lap .
T:- (angrily ) What? Why did you lie to me ? To just wait ( she looked here and there and found a tiny wooden stick on the ground and began running after Drake as he tried to flee his wife's anger with the stick in her hand  )
D:- (running and laughing) Woah !! Calm down you will hurt me with that.
T:- (while running ) Calm down !? You just wait Mr till I get you .
D:- (he stopped suddenly and catched tanya's hand carrying the stick and with his injured arm he gently yanked her in his direction placing his hand  on her waist  ) What will you do now love that you have me  ?
T:- (her heart began racing fast due to the close distance between them ) You shouldn't lie in such a serious situation . I thought (with that she gulped loudly ) that you were seriously hurt .
D:- (he noticed her eyes getting a bit moist and he freed her hand carrying her stick and told her in a soft voice. ) You were worried about me weren't you love ?
T:- No I wasn't . It was just that...
(Before she can complete her sentence he caged her in his arms and whispered )
D:- (seductively ) Was my wifey was worried about her husband ?
T:- (gasping ) What?  no (she tried to push him but him being him didn't bulged )
D:- (clicking his tongue and looking playfully at tanya ) lying to your husband are we ?
T:- (looking him into his eyes ) Yes I was worried about you happy now . But not in the way you meant .No go meet uncle Jordan and everyone else they must be worried too .
D:- (kissing her forehead he left her before saying ) Don't worry I will make you worrying about me in that way soon .
T:- (mimicking him ) Ya ya we will see .
(They both left the place smiling and left to meet everyone else too )

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