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Life is too short to let people play with you defend yourself even if violence is the only answer . At the end you get what you gave .

Narrator point of view

(Continuing from the last chapter )

The night was silent no commotion was heard the moon had hid behind the clouds not wanting to witness the bloodshed which was bound to happen . Drake's and his men cars were travelling in the night they knew what was coming and how to deal with it but it was the first time Drake felt nervous he was happy that his wife was finally accepting their relation , their marriage and him . Admit all the chaotic thoughts his heart told him that he can die it's not his time yet , his wife was waiting for him he took a deep breath grazing his hand on the sacred thread every now and then he can feel her presence in the wind as it carries with it her fragrance . He knew this time this mafia war will stop at nothing but at the opposition's death . This was not a usual  fight for power and dominance between gangs but a war of hope and freedom which often comes with a cost . It's like a unsaid rule in life you have you pay for everything in your life . Only the car engine's sound can be heard  as it leaves  small puffy trails of clouds into the sky ; they all felt silent as they mentally keep playing in their minds their roles just one mistake can blow up their cover . Inside Lesrov's  warehouse everything was the usual guards were patrolling most of them smoking , doing drugs and were barely having self-control . Lesrov was sitting on his bed he was mourning the death of rose he missed her more but what made his heart pain more was the realization that he become the one he feared the most . He became like his father . He thought whatever he was doing was justified but when he looked at the women and girls working there he felt a pang of sharp pain the pain of being forcefully snatched away from your loved ones , the pain of helplessness , the pain of suffering , the pain of being treated as a mere object , the pain of living the same life everyday and above all the pain of losing someone dear to them . His father had mercilessly tortured and killed the women's child in front of them as a punishment of not doing their duty obediently but then again he was not a saint either he didn't killed children but did use them as a  soft corner to manipulating them . Deep down he began reflecting on his life and found that in the hunger of power and glory he lost whatever humanity was left in him . He become one of those people whom he hated . He hated himself now all alone in that dark room he looked at the door with various emotions bubbling inside him up ready of burst . He is guilty for making their life like this . He can make their life normal as he and his father combined broke them complete shattering thier body tormenting their soul , making them bleed and spending each day sore . He wanted to beg on his knees for their forgiveness but after all those years of painful nights and sleepless days how they can't forgive him . He didn't only destroyed their present but their kids future too and as a mother they can't ever forgive the person who made their children's childhood a nightmare . They too wanted to believe that ghost can't be seen in days , that santa existed , that unicorn is real , that god punishes those who do wrong deeds instead of this they lived with the most dangerous creatures the human being , they didn't receive any gifts on christmas but saw their mother bleeding and crying every night , instead of receiving hugs and smiles they put ailment on her bruises with their nimble fingers , they didn't play with toys as their lives were being played with . They lacked the shine of affection in their eyes replaced by pain , fear and abuse . All those sufferings had taken a toll on them making it hard to believe that kindness exists , that you can trust , that you can be loved . Tears fell from Lesrov's eyes helplessly he felt weak the feeling he dreaded the most now he was living with it . Zainab and Tahir were helping the kids to hide underground in the cabin prepared for them while the women and girls laced themselves with weapons they wanted to take out all the pain , all the helplessness , they wanted their oppressors to feel what's like to bleed till you die . Zainab took some smoke bombs in her hands stuffing it in her pockets she looked at Tahir handling AK47 he passed her a smile though he wanted Zainab to go with the kids she refused . Pain was not a alien feeling to her she knew and have felt the  feeling of oppression , betrayal and abuse closely . They all looked at each other signalling with their eyes that if any one wants to back out can do that now because the moment they will be at heads with each other there will be no turning back but what surprised tahir was none of the women backed off . Their eyes sparkled with a thirst of revenge which will be quenched by the enemy's blood . They all shared a big group hug and took their positions swiftly waiting for the final signal . Drake's and his mens cars reached the warehouse they get rid off their vehicle earlier camouflaging with the dark night using each possible advantages they got . Drake's heart beated when he whispered in his earpiece :- Attack ! (Showtime baby ) he smirked dangerously as he saw the guards on the outer end going down like a fallen  leaf before they can fell on the ground and create any noise Dylan dashed and dragged their body and stripped them out of their uniforms as their body layed lifelessly with a hole dripping blood from their forehead  their eyes wide open . Hurriedly changing into their uniforms both Dylan and james moved forward and killed all the bodyguards only the sound of falling bullets were heard and a small puff of air was seen every time the gun with the silencer was used . Taking the keys james opened up the big iron gate leading them in . On the other hand when some of Lesrov men came into the room of girls to assault them each girl took on her attacker slaughtering his neck covering her face in his blood as the blood gushed out of the veins flying on their face . Their eyes had no remorse as yet one of them continuously stabbed her attacker who was taking advantage of her assaulting her  for years . Her way of attacking was not defensive but aggressive she continued stabbing his dead body trying to ease her wounded soul as the man yelled and limped and finally died in cold blood . Various gunshots rang in the air alerting them of the invasion . Tahir and Zainab was hurdled up together in a corner when she throw the smoke bomb

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