Chapter -50

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You always can't blame your life for everything because you were the one who has the power to change and fix it no matter what .

Narrator point of view

The early morning hours were nothing but chaotic in Lesrov's warehouse nobody expected Julie's acting will have such a deep effect on them but deep down julie herself didn't know how she manage to say certain things . Nobody told her to call him " rov " even lina was not aware of the name given by rose to lesrov . It's true that their bond was a beautiful one but alas his father didn't appreciated it at all . They all were stunned seeing Julie's acting there was something wrong about it almost inhumane pointing to some paranormal activities . Though both julie and rose looked similar to one one other but the way julie carried herself with such grace and elegancy not to forget her fierce side which she showed was neither  in the script nor she herself knew about it . When asked about the same she told everyone she left as if someone was in her soul in her body . Apparently these words coming out of a six year old kid was horrific . Maybe rose was there . But the question which lingers in the mind of zainab and everybody was why rose will hate her only friend ? She knew lesrov more than anyone even himself . What made him  go to such an extent to say that she hates him ? Hate is a strong word , it can break people sometimes even the one who seem mentally and physically strong but the truth is they just put a mask to hide themselves cause the society won't care for the weak may it's true or maybe not because society is made by people not the other way around . Lesrov's eyes fluttered open as he found himself on his bed . His heart was accelerating as if he has run some Marathon . His mind was numb he was feeling the same hollowness , the same pain , the same emptiness and the same fear , fear of rejection , fear of being alone , fear of not having something , fear to show his true self which was not bad . In some deep corner of his heart lives a little kid full of happiness , joy , hope , kindness and with eyes shining with the optimistic future . That kid could have been him right now if the circumstances were in his favour . That kid stills talks to him not to much as earlier as he began ignoring his voice and with gradual slope of time he too began whispering that what he is doing is wrong hoping he might heard him . His eyes stung with tears as he recounted the harsh word of his friend only friend how can she that easily that she hates him ? Why everybody hates him ? The girls , the women down here ? Doesn't he deserve to be treated with love and care ? He too  have emotions he too feel pain , he too dreams , he too is afraid of failure , after all he too is a human . They say what goes around comes around . Apparently the burden of his sins is way too much , his father sowed the seed of  hate , jealousy deep inside his body and the outcome was him now all alone surrounded by walls of hatred and nothing else . His father tried his best to mold lesrov like him from his childhood as he believed that childhood is such a stage when a person is like a wet mud you can mold  him/her in any way you want . Rose was the one who use to remind him that not everyone hates him , or can hurt him , that this very world he curses every single day is fill with happiness and kindness all he should do is see the world from her eyes . He believed her and began seeing the small kindness which everyone shared in the warehouse , the joy of togetherness , the strength of family but this too was taken away from him . His father did have an impact on his mind his father shaped his past and present but the future was in his hands alone . He could have saved himself , he could have created a better future for everyone down there  may be a better life , a better world who knows cause now that  future is like a distant dream waiting to arise . He could have done this but he didn't tried , he was too afraid of losing what he had , his powers , his privileges , his control over his people but in that conquest of power he lost something very valuable to him almost irreversible his lost himself , he lost his mother and at last he lost the little kid who shared a beautiful bond with a beautiful human being . Time can heal everything such a facade is not true at all . The person just learn the way of life with the course of time , he got to know that the life will move on with that he too will have to move on. It leaves scares with it which sometimes can make a person stronger or can make a person weak .
Lina and everyone else was on high alert they witnessed Lesrov showing emotions . She knew that he is not as inhumane as he sounds and looks but the screams of girls and the number of graves in the graveyard can't be disrespected . They all hoped that one day when he will be in power then maybe he will set them free or atleast will treat them better . But she was naive a dictator son's can't be a saint cause his upbringing won't allow him to become that . The plan was going smooth as butter , lesrov had a emotional breakdown he felt weak as this was the time they were going to use his weakness on him . It is the time to play with the mastermind . After all they were lives at stake here and Zainab and everyone else there were not going to go down atleast not without a fight. 

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