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she was teasing me, without even her knowing


Reaching my small cozy den, I immediately went to take a shower, why not, cause the fire my body was feeling was no good, and I blame.. him

Letting a deep breath out I stand  all naked  inside the cold stream.



I  sat on my bed opening the pages to my secret  world....my diary....
Flipping the pages to a new one, I started to write yet another of my fantasy .....

"Dated : 26 may,2021

It happened again, he did it again making me feel like no one ever could

I could feel myself getting aroused as I wrote the words of my fantasy.. only his thoughts are enough for me to lose my mind what if he ever touch me,  I know I would go crazy.
Sometimes I think if it's a sin to even think about this things, but god,  for a man like him I am ready to hold any punishment and won't even regret it.

Oh! Only if  he knew


Next day...9 a.m, Thursday

As usual I was walking through the hall minding my own business, with a lots of anticipation to see him.. again..
I could feel my heart rate getting fast and the weird  feeling inside my stomach just only by thinking about seeing him.. don't get me wrong but maybe he is the only reason for me to stay in this university, although I won't state the fact that it's a great university of all  Korea, but yeah he is the best thing of it.
And also am proud of myself to take math as a major. 

Entering the class and taking my seat, we waited for our pass subject lecturer..

10 mins went by when someone unexpected entered making my eyes go wide.


" Good morning student, I will be your substitute for today till my class as Mr. Kang is unable to attend today's lecture. So, everyone please be quite."
His deep dominating voice echoed through the room, as his eyes roamed around the class watching everyone, but abruptly stopped while it reached mine.. I'll be damn again...

I don't know how am gonna spend the next 3 hours of my life,without passing out.



Maybe I'am lucky today. 

I was about the reach my cabin when Mr.Kang called me, telling me to take his class as he was going to have a meeting with the Dean.

Knowing who will be in the class, the excitement in my body ignite.

Making myself comfortable on the chair, asking the students to do their work , I took out the notes to revise that I will be doing  with the class today.

I kept glacing at them more specific to her, time at time.
I saw her writing something, sometimes thinking.. adorable

I smiled myself... But, that didn't last long as I saw her taking the end tip of her pen between her lips as she keeps biting it. I know it just a normal act but ....... Damn

I saw how her tongue played with the tip sometimes with her lips. Something simple but yet dangerous.

she was teasing me, without even her knowing , And that's when  I couldn't control myself.. I stood up walking towards her..


I was into my own world writing something in my diary. Well, it's safe here as the desk here are singlely placed and everyone keeps minding their own business.
We were asked to do anything we like so yeah.....

Suddenly a hand came in contact with mine taking the pen away. Closing my diary I looked up only to meet with those dark hazel orbs which was looking straight into my soul.

" Miss. Y/n " calling my name he bend towards my  height just to whisper " don't bite". I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

Our eyes never leaving one another.

Suddenly he took a chair from behind sitting beside me. I adverted my eyes towards the class only to see half sleeping and other half probably doing their own works not feeling any interest to look around their surrounding.

" No one is looking ",  my eyes diverted to him  as he called out. This time way to close. His one hand snaked behind the arm of my chair, and other on his lap. I could see and feel the muscle flexing out through the silhouette of his black shirt.

Damn those muscles

" What are you doing, Miss. Y/n ?"
He asked yet again being  dangerously close to me.

Is he teasing me now ?.. yes he is...

I couldn't utter a single word , like a cat lost her tongue. It's like I lost my every thought and sense.

His minty breath hitting my lips, his  cologne .. his pink lips, his pointed nose, his Sharpe jaw, his uneven eye lids, his hairs falling on his forehead.... damn was he always this gorgeous or is it a special day.

A breathy chuckle escaped my ears as I blinked my eyes.
"Am I that handsome...y...n"

"M--Mr.. Kim.... What are you doing?", my voice came as low as it could ..well, I didn't wanted to gain anyone's attention..

But the next moment i went all red as I heard him say...

"You are beautiful, y/n.."



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