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11 am; my watch showed.

We were in the middle of our class when our Dean entered with Taehyung beside him, Miss.Jiwoon who was our Physic professor stopped as she noticed th entering.

"Miss, I hope I didn't distrub you, actually I wanted to have a talk with the students ", our dean said giving a polite smile.

"No sir, please. Continue ", Miss.Jiwoon gave him a nod before retreating aside.

Stepping at the center the Dean stated, "Good morning students, I hope your classes are going well. I actually came for a reason, as you know your finals are coming up that means you all will be graduating with you university degree and starting a new life as you have planned. "

"I hope your studies are going well, cause it's almost crucial moment of your life. So, I want to say that you have 5 months to your finals, so it's time to give your everything. We are always here to help you and being mathematics your major Mr.Kim here will also be helping you with every thing, talk to him , ask him questions. Before the exam you will be having your Christmas break and after that your finals will be announced. So, enjoy you time but also keep in mind about your studies and career as well "

The class was all silent listening his words. Finally my student life will be coming to an end.

Dean walked out, as Taehyung stayed as it almost time for his class.

I saw Miss.Jiwoon getting shy looking at Taehyung. Well , he is popular in the university but at the same time the sight was not really pleasant to look for me.

She was somewhere older then him but still not that old.

Glaring at her the whole time I pressed my pen hard. Taehyung was arranging his things in the table not noticing her shy glances towards him.

She was done with her packing, but still stayed their looking at him.

She is getting on my nerves now.

Taehyung look up at her giving a polite smile before asking something. They talked for a while, and she headed outside.

Biting my inner cheek I followed her move till she was out of my sight.

Looking back my eyes met Taehyung's as he raised his brows, while me looked away rolling my eyes.


I didn't glance at him the whole time of our class.
Today the students were busy asking and clearing their doubts so he too didn't came to me like always.

Done with everything, I sat their doodling my notebook waiting for the class to end for the day.

Best thing about university life, no regular classes like schools.

Taking glance towards my wrist, i started to pack my stuff's when a vibration caught my attention.

My phone.

Getting it out from my pocket a message popped up from Taehyung.

Tae:. Stay.

The only word he wrote.
Signing I kept my head down waiting for the students to walk out.

I don't know why am I so irritated. It's not like he flirted or anything but still.... Sometimes this insecure feelings get the best of me. I know I shouldn't overthink but Taehyung is what every girl dreams of and to be honest he would get anyone he likes, someone more sexy and beautiful then me and maybe that what scares me.

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