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6 a.m

I barely slept last night.

Well, cannot blame anyone but her. Having her near me like this was what I always dreamt of.

Stroking her bare shoulder that was covered with my marks I watched her sleeping. She looked peaceful.

Our warm naked bodies tangled with each other.

A smile curled up my lips remembering last night's event.

Turning towards her I caressed her cheeks - eyelid - nose - lips , every inch of her face.

No, I can never get enough of her. She was like a drug to me, a sweet addiction.


"Tae..", i heard her sweet voice calling me as she opened her eyes.

Smiling she snuggle towards my bare chest placing a soft kiss on it.

She raised her face looking directly to my eyes, the smile still there.

Bringing her close I kissed her lips.

"Love..you need to sleep more , you must be tired"..
- a bright pink tint appeared on her cheeks, as a smile made its way to mine-

Changing the topic -, "you don't have to attend your classes today, stay here and take some rest.. hmm?!"

"What about you?"

"I have 2 classes today so I will just go and take my first class, and be back soon."

Nodding her head, she suddenly stood up sitting against the head board holding the white sheet against her chest.

- hair messy - swollen lips - flushed cheeks -

"Tae, I am hungry ", chuckling at her statement I raised my body supporting it with my right elbow.

"Pancakes or waffles ?"


Getting up from the bed, I went to her side. I picked her up, placing my one hand by her waist and other by the back of her neck.

She held me by her arms around my neck, we walked towards the bathroom.
Placing her on the counter I helped her with a tooth brush as I went towards the bathtub

Opening the faucet to let the water run, preparing a bath for her.

I know her body must be aching from the session yesterday, and she needs to relax.

Placing her naked warm body in the tub full of water, I went out to take a bath on the other bathroom and then preparing a breakfast.


Getting ready with the plates I saw her walking out wearing a plain t shirt of mine that went till her mid thigh.

She looked tiny in by clothes.

- wet hair - bare legs -

She don't have to do anything to make me go hard.

Signalling her to come to me. She took slow steps.

Making her sit on the dining table, I sat on a chair right front of her.

My hands on her lap.

Taking a spoon I fed her. I love taking care of her. And why not, the smile on her lips , the red tint on her cheeks that I get to see satisfies me knowing that the reason is me.


Sitting on the sofa with her on my lap we cuddled. I still had some time to spend before I leave.

"Can I ask you something , Tae?"

I hummed letting her to continue.

"Am I your first?"

I looked at her eyes that was staring at mine.

She seem nervous.

"I don't want any secret between us y/n so I will be truthful.....", I paused before continuing
"I had a girl when I was at my senior year in high school, not relationship exactly but we dated, and I thought ....we would last"

"What happened then?", She asked playing with my fingers.

"Communication problem........ We had issues with each other ,but it was just a normal couple differences which lead to arguments. Instead of talking it out we kept it with ourselves and it destroyed our relationship that we had"

I saw her looking down.

"You loved her?"

Placing my hand under her chin i turned her faced to look at mine, " I liked her y/n , not love... We just dated thinking that something would happen in the future but no it didn't. We were not meant to be we were just two person who crossed each others path"

"What am I to you, Tae?"

"You are everything she was not. You are the girl that I have love for years now, you are the girl who has invaded my mind and heart. You are the girl I gave myself to. "

The words came out without any hesitation without any shuttering.

I didn't want her to feel like she was just a girl for me, I wanted her to know that she is the girl for me.

Leaning she placed her lips on mine kissing softly.

Backing away I held her face between my palms.

"Y/n I want you to know and promise me that if anything happens between us or you feel insecure or you feel lonely, or you need someone to talk with you will come to me, anything happens you will talk with me and I will do the same. This relationship will work only with us being having trust, understanding and communication between us. Hmm?"

Nodding she smiled a little while muttering a small "I promise" to me.

Engulfing her between my arms I promised myself to not let anything come between us. She is too precious for me to let her go.


" A relationship needs to be strong with trust, understanding and communication between the partners "

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