Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 19. One Royal Grandson

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Zhao Yu had invited her to a small gathering of friends and requested a private dance from Xinyue. The letter had immediately piqued her interest as it did not start with the normal greeting, but hooked her instead with:

'Have you heard of The Five Young Talents?'

As if knowing that she was trying to build connections, he had in fact listed the guests by name and title...and the list made her eyebrows rise into her hair.

When Cui Xi had written back, she wrote that Xinyue was indisposed, but since she was not without skills herself, she could dance for the gathering if he wished. She added that he could reject her offer, but then she would have to decline as Xinyue's health was more important despite such a generous invitation.

Zhao Yu of course didn't refuse, writing back that he was simply pleased that she would attend. Of course, she wouldn't be alone and would bring Xiao Yu and Xiao Hei with her.

Cui Xi already had a sneaking suspicion that Zhao Yu was quite aware of the double identity issue, but that it amused him to keep quiet about it, in the same way that he had done the night of the Hundred Flower House performance.

Kling, kling, kling, kling.

The sound of silver bills jingled at her ankles as she walked in through a side entry of the Changping Shizi manor. Although the steward was waiting for her, the look on his face was dismissive.

"You are the hired performers?" he sniffed.

Xiao Hei bristled, but Cui Xi shook her head. Instead, she curtsied deeply, simply nodding. To Xiao Hei she mouthed: Mind your surroundings!

"This Lord is waiting," the man said, shaking out his sleeves.

Unlike the eastern style belly dancing dress that she had worn at the Hundred Flower House, she was dressed in a light blue dress with filmy billowing sleeves, white feathers capping the dress at the shoulders, and a silk mask on her face. The full skirt also billowed about her like a cloud. Instead of walking, the clothes made her look as if she were floating on the air as she moved.

Xiao Hei was dressed completely in black, with a matching black mask over his face. While Xiao Yu was likewise in dark blue with a mask. Behind them was the blind erhu player from the Hundred Flower house and a girl with a guqin.

"We've arrived. You may enter here," the steward gestured, leaving them with another sniff.

Cui Xi snorted.

"Very friendly, that one..."

"Ennn," said Xiao Hei with a shrug.

As Cui Xi walked in, she heard the sound of trickling water and saw that the large courtyard had been set up with individual seats each with low tables and a small raised area for the host. There was an empty space next to Zhao Yu's seat. As the majority of the guests were already settled, they all turned to her as soon as she entered.

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