Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 89. Hidden Night City

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Ignoring the tolling of bells and crash of gongs all over the city at dawn, Zhao Lin Xian moved closer to his wife, trying to shut out reality for as long as he could. His expression was soft as he watched Cui Xi lying asleep in his arms on her bed in the Kingfisher courtyard.

After returning from the audience with the emperor, he had insisted on staying the entire night by her side. Although he felt a deep pain in his heart, his father had been ill for a long time and he and his brothers had already been prepared. With the country now besieged both inside and outside there was no room for grief.

"Are you awake, little cat?" Zhao Ling Xian quietly asked the girl still cradled in his embrace.

Although her eyes were shut, from the subtle movements of her body, he knew she was just pretending to be asleep. He frowned a bit noticing that her eyelids were still slightly red and her skin was pale from crying.

I truly thought Ashina Atil would take you away from me again...I can't allow that.

"Mmmn," she responded briefly, opening her eyes. "I'm still haven't forgiven you. We promised that we would face our problems together, but you went and left me behind again, your Highness..."

"I know, XiXi, but the situation was urgent," he said, sounding abrupt. "It was the easiest way to protect you..."

It stung. She didn't want to admit it because she understood the political situation, but he could have included her instead of shutting her out of his plans.

Keeping me grounded to the manor allowed you to avoid the issue of my identity...I won't press you, but why can't you see that this is going to be a problem for us?

"I understand it, but that doesn't mean I like it," she said in response, sitting up in his arms. "I know it was a show for outsiders, but it's unnecessary now. Has the Crown Prince asserted his claim?"

"He's seized control of court, but both Yao Shen Yi and An He were witnesses to the verbal order of the Emperor, so the officials are still divided. Until the actual will is found, there will be doubt. Either way, those who were under the banner of my Fifth brother have already disappeared from the capital. I'm sure that they have joined him in the south to head off the Guangs. I, myself, have to leave the city tonight. Regardless of the circumstances here, I have to go to the northwest to defend the border. Ashina Atil's army has already spilled over into our territory...but with this delay, I'm afraid that I will have to fight my way out of the city."

"If you are blaming me, then why did you let me sleep so long...?" she muttered, scrambling up.

"No, that's not what I mean. Lie down. You are staying here," he said firmly.

Her head snapped around.

"What?! You just said..."

"I don't want to leave you here, but for now Laosan won't do anything to you. You'll be safer here. Right now, it's critical to determine the whereabouts of Ashina Atil. I'm asking you to believe in me and wait."

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