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you were at the building before everyone else. about an hour earlier. the whole building to yourself and no one else.

no one else worked in the building since it kind of was an abandoned building that saeko found one day. ever since then it's been a spot where the four of you came to practice. that was until the four guys came along.

you walked up the stairs and took out your headphones when you reached the room with all the instruments in it. you sat down on your stool and took out your drumsticks.

your headphones were playing music and you turned the volume up to the point where you couldn't hear anything except your drums and the music.

you got through twenty minutes of your own time of playing before someone interrupted you.

semi eita was standing in the doorway with a scowl on his face

"seriously." you lowered you're headphones to your neck and stood up.

"i just came here to get more practice time." he said and grabbed his guitar, plugging the chord into the speaker. "i won't bother you if you won't bother me."

"fine." you sat back down and bought your headphones back to cover your ears. semi turned his back to you and brushed his fingers against the guitar strings.

you kept your music off, curious of how semi played his guitar without a partner.

semi noticed you weren't playing, but couldn't care less if you heard him play. he didn't ask you if you wanted to listen, he simply started playing.

you watched as he adjusted the guitar string every time he heard something off and how he held the guitar pick between his teeth while he was fixing them.

you didn't like him, but you couldn't deny how attractive he was. his grey, blonde hair was messy like he just ran his hand through it, his brown eyes moved with a calculated and focussed gaze, and his fingers looked like they knew what to do before his mind could think about it.

you preferred this version of him. he wasn't staring at you like you were some alien from a different planet.

and he kept his mouth shut

"aren't you gonna play?"

spoke too soon

"i already did." you answered and looked away from the guitar to look at his face.

he still wasn't looking at you, but now had his body angled in your direction. "alright."

he continued his playing and you finally looked away. semi had noticed that you weren't watching him anymore and looked over at you. you had a notebook open and was writing in it.

you were sitting with your legs in a criss cross position, balancing on the stool. "what are you writing?" he asked.

"stuff." you answered and scribbled something out.

semi didn't say anything else, no longer interested after your short answer. you enjoyed the sound of his guitar in the background while you wrote down potential song lyrics.

you could never write a full song, just some song lyrics.

"hi!" yachi walked through and door and paused when she saw semi. semi's head snapped over to her and immediately stopped playing.

"hey." i stood up and put my drumsticks down. "where are the others?"

"they're downstairs." she answered and moved to stand next to me.

semi had taken his guitar off and stuck his guitar pick into his back pocket.

"hey!" saeko was the next through the door and shoved tendou out of the way. "oh, you were here with him? poor you." she walked up to me while shooting glares at semi.

"it was fine." you said and noticed that semi was no longer in the room. his guitar was back, leaning against the wall, but he wasn't there.

"okay, we've found a solution." kiyoko said and was looking down at her journal. reon and ushijima were next through the door.

"and that is.." saeko sat down on your stool since you were now standing. semi and tendou walked in before kiyoko answered.

"we're all gonna perform by ourselves." semi looked up at kiyoko and stopped walking.

"what?" he asked.

"we're all gonna play our instruments by ourselves. yachi and reon perform a short solo. just so we can hear you guys better." kiyoko explained.

"oh." semi walked over to his guitar and kept his eyes on the floor.

"saeko? wanna go first?" reon asked.

"hell yeah." saeko stood up and grabbed her guitar. i plugged it in for her and moved my stool from behind my drum set to the wall so i had something to lean back on.

semi wasn't paying attention to saeko. his attention was on your knees, where you were tapping your drumsticks against your knees again.

saeko was confidently playing and yachi went over and stood next to me. "she really good." yachi said even though she's already heard saeko play.

"she's okay." tendou walked past us and sat down behind her drums.

"she's more than okay." yachi defended.

"like i said, she's okay." tendou shrugged and rested his arms on his drums.

saeko had finished playing and spun around. "show me what you got." she challenged semi.

"i'm good." semi responded.

"y/n." reon nodded over at you and you rolled his chair back over to your drums and picked up the wooden sticks.

semi's foot was bouncing against the floor as he stared at one of your stickers. he didn't like performing alone in front of a crowd no matter how big or small the audience was.

tendou was the only one who knew about it and he had an idea for a distraction.

semi could barely hear your drumming over his thinking until ushijima sat down next to him. "she's good isn't she?" ushijima asked, watching you.

"i guess so, yeah." semi nodded and finally paid attention to you.

when you were done it was tendou's turn and he glanced at semi before starting. tendou held his drumsticks tightly in his hands before bringing it down a bit too hard.

the wood stick ripped right through the top of the drum and semi stood up. "oh jeez." tendou took off the broken drum.

"I know i good place to fix that." semi rushed out.

"let's go. we'll be back." tendou and semi nearly ran out of the door and down the stairs.

everyone else stared at the doorway where the two were just standing a couple seconds ago. "so um.." you were the first to look away and glanced out the window. you looked back at the others and then your eyes flew back at the window.

a fucking motorcycle

semi eita owns a motorcycle

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now