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you were staring at tsukishima akiteru while he stared back at you. you thought the two of you were having a staring contest but akiteru was wondering what he did wrong for you to be staring at him like that.

"saeko." he poked saeko's thigh and she turned to see her best friend and new boyfriend staring at each other. "why is she staring at me?"

"probably cause her phone died and she needs entertainment." saeko answered.

"you have a boyfriend- no, you had a boyfriend and didn't tell us until now." you corrected and turned your gaze to your best friend.

"for a week." akiteru hurried out. "we've only been dating for a week." you crossed your arms and went back to staring at him which made akiteru look over to saeko again.

"stop staring at him like that." saeko waved his hand in front of akiteru's face to cut off your gaze. "go text your boyfriend instead."

you smiled at her and pulled out your phone. "thank you for the invitation." you quickly began forming a text to inform semi of saeko's boyfriend. "i can tell him about him right?" you nodded to akiteru.

"he's gonna find out tonight anyway." saeko stuck her straw into her mouth and drank her soda. her eyes moved to the window where paparazzi were waiting and directing their cameras towards where you all were sitting.



semi: y/n y/n y/n

y/n: where is ur enthusiasm man

semi: don't call me man

y/n: man man man

y/n: OH WAIT

y/n: I haVE NEWS

semi: yes?

y/n: SAEKO GOT A BF !!

semi: WHAT

y/n: ur caps are about five texts too late

semi: forgive me, but SHE GOT A BF?


semi: wait is she bringing him home?

y/n: uh huh

semi: should we clean the house..

y/n: probably

semi: do we though..

y/n: ik u won't

semi: always knew that you knew me well

semi: have fun w the new guy and bring back some food

semi: please

you made sure to remember to bring back something for the other four members of the house while you slipped your phone back into your pocket and looked back to akiteru.

then the food was bought out along with a bowl of fruits and you forgot all about akiteru and focused more on the food. 


"you're a lifesaver." semi kissed your forehead when you handed him a takeout box. the others started looking through the other boxes and taking their own.

"why didn't you guys just cook?" kiyoko asked while handing up her jacket. "or order food?"

"no point since you guys were going out to eat and we knew y/n would bring semi back something then yachi would wonder if you guys should bring something back for the rest of us so it was settled." tendou explained in one breath.

"what would happen if i didn't bring anything home for semi." you asked and stood behind the couch while running your hands through your boyfriend's hair while he sat in front of you.

"then we would then go into the kitchen and eat all the snacks." tendou shrugged and then looked over to saeko and akiteru. "so."

"my boyfriend." saeko announced with a side of jazz hands and then pulled akiteru further into the room.

all four guys looked over to the two of them while they were eating. so in general they all looked like a chipmunk with their mouth full of food at the moment.

"hey." reon was the first to finish chewing and greeted akiteru. the other three settled with waving at him.

"he'll get used to hanging out around here." kiyoko sat down next to tendou and yachi sat down next to her.

"so that's the dude dating saeko." semi stared at akiteru and then looked up at you. "he doesn't seem like a guy saeko would date."

"do i seem like the type of girl you would date?"

"yes." he answered instantly.

"i still think that i would be better with a guy who plays the traingle." semi tilted his head up at you and glared at you.

"you want a guy who plays the triangle? i'll fucking buy the triangle for you." he tugged on your hand until you moved over the back of the couch and sat down next to him.

"no, not for me. for you." you leaned your head on semi's shoulder and he put the takeout box onto the table. "so you'll fucking buy the triangle for you."

his arm went around your waist and pulled you closer to him. he didn't bother looking to see if anyone was watching the two of you before putting two fingers under your chin and tilting your head up.

"and then semi eita here has no problem with pda around us." saeko explained to her boyfriend. "he's corrupted poor y/n and took my best friend away from me." semi broke the kiss but kept his fingers under your chin.

"i did not corrupt her." semi said to saeko.

"you're right. she would've turned into a little tattooed and a pierced person with no capable human emotions." saeko nodded.

"he has human emotions." you turned your head to saeko. "don't worry, under all the glaring there's a whole layer of sweet talk and a soft semi. all cuddles and hugs and kisses."

semi's nose bumped against your cheek. "stop exposing me, sweetheart. i have to keep up my reputation."

"you mean your horrible reputation." saeko grinned and fist-bumped akiteru at her comment.

semi rolled his eyes and just wrapped his other arm around your waist. "i don't like her. let's switch her out and get a dog." he said to you and started to press soft kisses against your neck. "or a cat."

"she's my best friend and part of our band. we can't just get rid of her."

"bummer." he sighed and tugged you even closer to him. you were practically sitting on his lap at this point and his hands never left your body.

akiteru seemed to get more comfortable as the time went by and tanaka even came by and joined his girlfriend on the couch. he greeted his sister's new boyfriend casually and then focused on kiyoko.

"we're cooking tonight." ushijima informed everyone.

"we?" you leaned forward to look over to ushijima. "you mean we, us?"


"oh fuck." you and semi said at the same time. tendou tried to get himself out of cooking duty and reon dragged him into the kitchen. the rest of you followed.

"tanaka and akiteru are our guests." reon said. "and they came here to hang out with their girlfriends. don't make them cook."

"what if i move out for the night?" semi asked. "then i'll be here to hang out with my girlfriend."

"shouldn't we spare them by not cooking?" tendou leaned against the counter and you hopped onto the counter next to him.

"i agree with tendou." you stated and rested your elbow on his shoulder. he held his hand out for a high-five and you slapped your palm against his.

reon threw two aprons at you.

i've been stuck in writers block for so long it's not even funny

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