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the day of the gala came and you eight were going in different cars. the four guys arrived at the venue first and walked inside.

"so, like, how long is this thing?" tendou asked while smiling at the fans gathered on the sides of the entrance. there were barriers and security keeping them from getting closer.

"don't know." reon raised his hand at the crowds of people before slipping into the building. it was this fancy hotel with an open bar and dance floor.

"i'll be at the open bar." semi announced but got stopped by a interviewer. he was a little surprised since this was a party and not an event, but he didn't walk away.

"hi, semi eita!" she greeted enthusiastically.

"oh, hey." semi gave the camera a small smile so he didn't seem like he was uninterested.

"i am loving your outfit tonight, did you pick it out yourself? it's something very different from what you usually wear." semi looked down at his own outfit to remember what he put on earlier. 

a slightly oversized dark red button up with long sleeves and the top three buttons unbuttoned. then black dress pants with black shoes a necklace along with his father's ring.

"uh no, i didn't." semi ran his hand down his shirt to smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles. "i had help picking out this outfit. if it was up to me i would be wearing a black shirt."

"so, who do we give the credit for this amazing outfit to?"

"the designer." he answered and tugged on the back of his shirt where the tag with the designer name on it. "and.." he realized you two never really announced you were dating. "y/n."

"y/n, huh? there have been multiple rumors that you two have been dating for a while now? any words on those rumors?" the interviewer asked and semi began to scramble up ways he could approach this question.

but he didn't need to. there were cheers and shouts coming from outside and semi already knew the reason for it.

"y/n!" someone shouted and that confirmed semi's thoughts.

"i'm gonna have to the cut this early." semi leaned in a little closer to address the interviewer. "my sweetheart is expecting me." he grabbed tendou who was walking by and moved him to take his spot. tendou raised an eyebrow but smiled at the interviewer anyway.

"your sweetheart? is that a confirmation?" semi just lifted on shoulder and gave her a light tipped smile before walking back to the entrance.

you walked through the doors the same time semi was about to go through them. semi stopped in his tracks when he saw you and he took a minute to look at you.

you were wearing a floor length dark red dress with two thin straps holding the rest of the dress up. there was a dip in the middle of your chest and you were wearing a necklace that sat in that dip.

there was a slight tighten around your middle before the dress started to flow to the floor. the dress was smooth and straight down from your waist down to the floor.

but the thing that caught semi's attention was the side slit that showed off your right leg.

"oh, fuck me." he breathed out when you neared him. you smiled at him when you were close enough and semi took that opportunity to look at the makeup yachi applied.

there was light pink eyeshadow on your eyelids and then were kind of pointed up at the outer corner of your eye. there was a bit of glittery eyeshadow blended in with the pink and on the bottom of your eye.

your lips had pink gloss on and there was blush and more glitter scattered on your cheeks.

"hi." you hands held onto his shirt and you were surprised he had unbuttoned two extra buttons. you only suggested that he should leave one unbuttoned earlier.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now