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"look who's being boring now." you said when you passed by semi and tendou who were sitting down.

"and look who's off dancing with someone else after kissing someone." semi nodded behind you at the guy behind you.

"it's all friendly and fun dancing."

"are you sure it's not dirty dancing?" tendou asked and raised his glass back to his mouth.

"you two can't talk." you said referring back to when they had two girls on them earlier.

"just saying, not judging." semi shrugged and raised his glass up at you.

"you're secretly judging me." you accused.

"and you're right."

you sat in the empty seat between semi and tendou while watching the dance floor.

"want a drink?" tendou asked.


"don't trust us enough?" semi asked and leaned his head back as he drank from his.


you were currently watching kiyoko and tanaka dance like they were in their own world, not giving a fuck about anyone around them.

"they're cute." you sighed and placed your elbow on your knee.

semi and tendou followed your line of gaze to see what you were talking about. "couples." tendou gagged and looked away.

"love." semi pretended throwing up and also looked away.

"wow, you two are complete mood killers." you straightened your back and crossed your legs. "anyway. have you guys seen saeko?"

"nope." they both answered.

"why? want another kiss?" tendou asked and slid his empty glass over to the bartender.

"who doesn't want another kiss from her?"

"me." once again the two guys answered at the same time.

"have you been sitting here ever since you got off the dance floor?" you asked.


"okay stop with the synchronization thing. its scary." you shuddered and got off your seat.

"can't help him sometimes." semi placed the empty cup down and his eyes ran around the room.

while he was looking away you were staring at his side profile.

"you have your ears pierced?" you blurted out causing him to side glance at you.

"yeah. also my lip pierced but I don't have my lip ring on very often." he answered.

your eyes slightly widened at his statement. you had to admit he was attractive right now, but if he added his piercings that would just be downright unfair.

"why not?" you found yourself asking.

semi turned his head to look at you fully and a smirk had been placed on his mouth.

"you want to see me with it?" he asked.

"i'm just curious." you defended yourself. "they said we need to bond so here we are, bonding."

semi shook his head with a small huff of laughter before answering. "it was annoying me at times."

"but don't worry." tendou slapped his hands down on semi's shoulders. "he looked incredibly hot with it."

"any other piercings?" you asked.

"thought about having my nose pierced once." semi admitted. "never got the time to get it done though."

"what if we all get our noses pierced together?" you said and semi's eyebrows shot up.

"and if anyone ask we can blame it on alcohol." tendou pitched in and snapped semi out of his thoughts.

"how about we wait a little longer?" semi said. "we just had a proper conversation with no one snapping at each other tonight."

"character development." you said and looked back at your other band mates. "it's okay. we have months to get better at this."

"or we can speed write the song, record it, and be done with this." semi said, the same tone from the semi at practice.

you preferred the tipsy one

"i'm gonna go dance." you said and looked over your shoulder at them. "wanna join?"

"no." semi said the same thing tendou said "yes." the two of them looked at each other and then over at you.

"come on, i'll prove i can dance better than you and saeko." tendou pushed you along and next to the tanaka's and kiyoko.

you were having fun dancing with tendou. never once did he want to do anything other than spin you around and have the spotlight on him.

the rest of the two bands were also around you guys except semi. he was sitting at the bar with a girl sitting next to him.

his loss

dancing was actually fun. especially when there were saeko and tendou fighting for the attention.

you were with yachi and reon when semi finally walked over to the group.

"who was the girl?" tendou asked and circled around ushijima to ask.

"just some girl." semi shrugged. "said she knew me and wanted an autograph."

"ditching dancing with us to sign some autographs?" you gasped trying to sound offended.

"you want my autograph?" he asked and looked down when tendou let you dip to the floor.

"sure. i can sell it for money." you looked up at him and he rolled his eyes.

"last time i checked you were also famous and earn money." semi said.

tendou had left your side, saying he needed to interact with yachi since she was the one he barely talked to.

"extra cash always comes in handy."

"i guess so."

"are you going to dance or just stand there?" you asked. "because right now i'm still sticking with the fact that a monkey can dance better than you."

"i don't want to."

"what a loser." even ushijima was dancing.

"at least i won't embarrass myself with terrible dancing skills like you." he directed those words at you.

"excuse me. you can't talk until i see your dance moves." you said and bumped his shoulder with yours.

"you look like those floaty things outside car dealerships." he stated.

"and?" you waved your arms around just because of his words. "go with the flow."

semi watched you swing your arms back and forth and then you stepped to the side where everyone else was.

he turned his head to look over his shoulder and saw you with saeko.

"not so bad when they're not sober." tendou wrapped his arm around semi's shoulder.

"maybe not." semi pushed tendou's arm off and went to get him another drink.

"i think we can live through a few months with them."

"let's see how it goes."

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now