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"why do we need guy time?" semi asked when the door closed and they were all settled in the cart.

"because there's two people in our little group that's hiding something from us and they think they're so slick and secretive but a five year old could figure out they were dating in a second." tendou said all in one breath and sat across from semi.

"nice." the three guys stared at semi who was staring out the side of the cart and over where the girls were.

"so." reon started. "are you guys dating?"

"me and who?" tendou and ushijima let out a small groan when they realized this was how semi was going to be.

"you and y/n." reon answered for the other two.

"why would you think that?" semi let his eyes drift over to reon and then across to the other two.

"because you're always with her and flirting with her and she's sleeping in your bed." tendou leaned his head back against the pole that was on all four corners of the cart.

"that doesn't mean we're dating."

"i know that, you smartas-" ushijima nudged tendou's foot and tendou stopped talking after that.

"we're not dating."

"we're not dating." you said, already reading the looks that your band mates were giving you. and tanaka who was sitting in the corner.

"sure." saeko nodded, unconvinced.

"we're not dating." you repeated. "we just enjoy each other's company."

"so you don't like him?" kiyoko joined in the conversation.

"i never said that."

"so you like him and his company but you two aren't dating." yachi summarized from what the three of you said.

"exactly. see, yachi gets it." you said and wrapped your arms around semi's giant teddy bear.

"and why aren't you two dating? it's obvious he likes you back." saeko said. "i'm not very observant but he doesn't exactly hide his interest in you."

"we're fine with what we have going on." you and semi never bothered with labels to the relationship.

"would it bother you if he was with another girl doing the things he does with you?" kiyoko asked suddenly.

you didn't even have to think about it. "yes."

"you two are dating." saeko raised her hands up. "i don't make the rules. don't fight with me."

"it's just labels. i don't get why there's such a big deal around that." you looked over at tanaka was was holding kiyoko's hand while peering over the edge. "he was loyal to you the second he saw you."

"that's different." kiyoko shook her head and leaned her head on tanaka's shoulder.

"then why can't my situation be different."

the second the ride stopped at the bottom you bolted out of the compartment and towards the guys who were already out.

"how was your ride, sweetheart?" semi asked when you made yourself comfortable against him side.

"too many questions were happening." you answered and moved closer to semi when a gush of wind passed. "hey semi?"


"i'm cold."

"that's too fucking bad."

"fine." you unzipped his jacket, making his eyes flash over to your movement. once it was unzipped you stepped inside before zipping the jacket back up. "i'm so glad you wear oversized clothes."

"comfortable?" semi asked and rested his chin on top of your head while his arms snaked around your waist.

"very." you turned around and leaned your head against his chest, not caring if anyone saw at this point.

the eight of you stayed near the ferris wheel while some fans came by and asked for pictures and autographs.

you stayed in semi's jacket with him also in it while taking pictures. your phone was going off with notifications, probably from tanaka sending you different articles about you and semi.

"are you guys dating?" one person asked when she came up to take a picture. you tilted your head up to look at semi while he was signing someone's phone case.

"are we dating?" you asked and felt semi tense up from behind you. he didn't answer and you didn't pressure him with the question.

"we're not." you smiled at the girl and leaned over to take a picture with her. "he's just my little boy toy until i find the man of my dreams." semi slightly relaxed and returned his hands back to your body.

"describe the man of your dreams for me, sweetheart." semi said and played with the necklace
you had one.

"let's see." you began thinking of everything the opposite of semi. "a solid six foot, dark hair, bright blue eyes, has to be born in the spring or summer, never glares at people, plays the triangle."

"seriously? the triangle?"

"yes. the triangle is so much cooler than that board with strings thing you play." his fingers brushed against the back of your neck and sent goosebumps everywhere.

"i love your weird descriptions of things." semi pressed his lips against your temple before moving and signing more autographs.

after thirty minutes you all were tired and decided it was time to go back home. you refused to leave semi's jacket and he settled with you facing his chest while he carried you in a front piggy back style. he had to unzip the jacket to walk easily but you didn't mind.

"anything good?" semi asked, knowing you were on your phone and checking the media.

"yeah. i'll send them all to you." you were screenshotting your favorite pictures that you saw and forwarded them to semi at the same time.

semi handed you over to tendou to get into the backseat while he helped with the other things. you didn't bother sitting up and just ending up laying on tendou's lap while you both were on your phones.

when semi came back to the car both of your phones were on the floor while tendou's head was leaning against the window and yours on tendou's thigh.

he and ushijima were standing by the door and looking at their respective person, both oblivious to how deep their feelings actually ran.

after snapping out of his gaze semi got into the back and picked up both the phones. his eyes flickered down to your screen and saw some words.

@tendou.satori look at what u two did to these poor people @l/n.y/n @semi.eita

tendou's screen was the same as yours and semi turned them both off before grabbing his jacket and laying it over your body. then he fixed tendou's head so it was in a more comfortable position.

it wasn't long before he also fell asleep himself.

my computer can't even open all the way.. i think it's time for a new one..

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now