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semi woke up first and the first thing he noticed was the girl laying on top of him. literally laying completely on top of him. he didn't want to get up just in case she would wake up, but he also needed to get up at the same time.

he gently moved you over so you were back on the bed with all the sheets and blankets wrapped around you. he kissed your forehead before getting up and walking out of the room.

after going to the bathroom and throwing a shirt on, he made his way down to the kitchen where reon was on his phone.

his thumbs were typing against the screen and he had a smile on his face. semi guessed that he texted the girl that you were pestering him about last night.

"morning." semi opened the fridge and searched for food. "texting the girl my girlfriend won't stop talking to you about?"

"yeah. she was really nice." reon put his phone down. "she used to be part of a singing duo with her boyfriend, but they broke up and now she's on her own and successful."

"and she picked our wonderful reon ohira." semi grabbed the carton of eggs and placed it on the counter. reon moved to help him make breakfast and grabbed a frying pan.

"yeah, and y/n chose our wonderful semi eita no matter how much of an ass he was when they first met." semi gave reon a look. he wasn't proud of how he acted in the beginning at all.

"somehow i managed to charm her enough to give me a chance." semi cracked an egg into the frying pan.

"give who a chance?" your voice came from the doorway and both guys looked over their shoulders to look at you. you were still in semi's shirt and a pair of your own shorts.

"me." semi answered and watched as you moved to sit on the counter next to them. you turned around to open the cupboard behind you. you and tendou stashed boxes of candy in there when everyone was cleaning the kitchen one day and it became your little secret.

the other six people in the house knew about it, but they never spoke up about it or took candy from it. you opened up the little box and poured some pieces of candy into your open palm.

semi kept his eyes on you, wondering if you were going to say anything about the words you said the previous night. "did you text the pretty girl?" you asked reon who took over the cooking.

"i did." reon informed you. "are you happy about that?"

"very." you grinned before leaning your head back and throwing the candy into your mouth. "now we need to find someone for yachi." you placed your chin on semi's shoulder while he leaned against the counter in front of you.

"do you think we would lose popularity cause none of us are single? do you know how many fans are hopeful that we might notice them and start dating them?" you asked and offered some candy to semi.

"well, we haven't performed any concerts or show ever since the festival so none of us had time to make eye contact with a fan in the crowd to instantly fall in love." you and reon turned to give semi a weird look.

"have you been reading fanfictions of yourself or something?" you asked and remember seeing some of that on social media.

"no. tendou read one out loud once when he was trying to get me out of my room." he answered and turned his head towards you.

"did it get you out of your room?"

"i didn't want to hear about my beautiful, brown orbs that made everything around stop, so yes. it got me out of my room."

"they didn't mention your charming glare?" you wrapped your arms around his neck and continued throwing the small candy into your mouth.

he reached his hand out and intercepted your wrist, redirecting your hand to his mouth to steal your candy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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