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"i think semi's instagram just turned into a y/n fan page after he posted one birthday post about her." tendou said when he looked through semi's feed.

the birthday post was there and then after that was a picture of you two in the bathroom with your arms wrapped around his waist while he was taking a picture of him in the mirror with his pink hair.

then there was a picture of you laying in the bed while you had a camera pointed up at him at the same time he was taking a picture of you.

the most recent one was semi actually having a picture of himself but then there were also two more pictures in the post. you were at the end and your hand reaching out to cover the camera but he still managed to get half of your face.

"she's my girlfriend." semi stated and looked up from where he was flipping through yachi's photo album that she made for you for your birthday.

you, yachi, saeko, and kiyoko were out so that left the four guys in the house alone. ushijima was in his room while reon was in the backyard, relaxing.

"and you've been running around telling everyone that. do you know how many times i come across a picture of you two and edits?"

"just making it known." semi returned his attention to your pictures, but still key up a conversation with tendou. "so what's up with you and ushijima?"

"what do you mean?"

"you know what i mean."

"we're friends." semi let out a short laugh and tendou stared at him weirdly. the two of them seemed to have reversed roles for the moment.

"we are friends." tendou's eyes looked over to the stairs when ushijima was in his room before looking back at semi. "i just like him."

semi closed the photo album and sat up straighter. "and how much do you like him?" he rested his elbows on his thighs while leaning forward.

"a little."


"a lot."

"well obviously. you pecked my girlfriend on the lips for two seconds and then said you didn't like kissing girls and then ran off with ushijima after." semi paused. "i understand what you mean about telling everyone's she's my girlfriend. anyway, continue with your ushijima crush rant."

"what if he doesn't like me?" tendou was sitting sideways on the armchair. his back leaning against the armrest and his legs hanging off the opposite end.

"i think he does. have you seen him blush around you yet? i'm sure yachi captured at least one picture of it." semi told him.

"yeah but we can't exactly see that can we?" yachi made a rule that no one was allowed to look through the photo album until it was full. only the person who wanted to decorate the page could. no one wanted to break that rule. she was highly protective of that book.

"or someone has a picture on their phone? besides, you're all confident, just go up to him and give him a big smooch on the lips."

tendou stared at his best friend. "who are you and what have you done with semi eita. he would never use the word smooch."

"i just did."

"hey." reon walked back into the house. "what are you guys talking about?" he sat down next to semi and draped his arm over the top of the couch.

"i'm having a crisis." tendou informed him.

"does it involve the guy upstairs?" reon asked and pointed up at where ushijima would be.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now