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"you're going to do fine." tendou had his stool moved next to yours while the audience was crowding around stage from the other side of the large curtains. you were spinning your ring around your finger and glanced over at semi.

every few seconds he would subtly move his microphone back so he was closer to you with every move. it was also complicated because of all the wires, the ones attached to his guitar and the microphone. you couldn't hear him but you were certain he was cursing under his breath when his foot got tangled.

"i'll win you teddy bear after this." tendou said before picking up his chair while still sitting in it and going back to his drums.

you gave him a smile before your eyes trailed back to semi as if they was a magnetic force that attracted your eyes to always find him.

"hey, how much time do we have?" semi called out when he noticed you looking at him. his eyes didn't move from yours once.

"none!" your manager answered and that was enough for semi. he took off his guitar and made his way back to you.

the others didn't even bother looking back at him. they were all used to the two of you being closer to each other than everyone else.

when semi stood in front of you he tilted your head up to look at him. "hi." you leaned into his hand.

"i can feel your nerves radiating off of your body." semi said and traced your lips with his thumb.

"not my fault." you barely moved your lips that much so his finger wouldn't stop. semi moved his hand back and you already missed his touch.

"you'll be fine, sweetheart. if anything happens just throw your drumsticks at me." semi said and then paused. "actually don't."

"too late, i'm definitely going to be taking up that offer." you grinned up at him and he just shook his head, trying to his his smile from you. "okay, you can go back now."

"that eager to get rid of me?"

"yes. now go. goodbye."

you blew him a kiss before he narrowed his eyes at you and went back to his guitar. he barely managed to get his guitar strap back over his head when the curtains again and revealed the large crowd to you.

tendou was lightly hitting his drums to create a little drumroll while the crowd started screaming and cheering before the show even started.

once the music started to play and you heard the voices of yachi and reon over the screaming crowd, the nerves started to calm down.

you guys played three songs that were from both bands and you did end up hitting semi with your drumsticks at the end.

he simply just turned around and tossed it back to you. "are we free to run off and enjoy the festival?" saeko asked your manager when you guys were off stage. you were dragging glitter across tendou's cheekbones and he was doing the same to your face.

semi was standing behind you and playing with the hem of your shirt, not paying attention to anything that wasn't you.

"yeah, i saw a ferris wheel and i want to go on it." yachi leaned forward as kiyoko brushed a few strands of her blonde hair away from her face.

"i suppose so. we must find you all security though. it is terribly dangerous for the eight of you to walk around unattended with people everywhere." she pressed a button on her headphones and spoke a few words into it.

"we have to escape." tendou whispered to you. "i can't stand security." you looked up at semi and he was already agreeing to tendou's plan.

tendou leaned forward and asked the others if they wanted to leave and everyone agreed. you stood up and started backing towards the doors while semi was right next to you.

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now