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you were laying on semi's bed while waiting for him to finish getting ready. he was in the bathroom and you could hear the door open before his bedroom door open.

"what do you think about it?" he asked.

your eyes were on your phone so you thought he was just talking about his outfit. "you wear a black shirt and black jeans almost every day. it looks like the usual."

"no i don't mean my clothes." he ran his hand through his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. "look up." he walked over to you and crouched down next to the bed.

you glanced up at him and before going back to your phone and then your eyes shot back up at his face. you sat up and placed your fingers under his chin to lift his head up.

"holy shit." you ran your thumb over the lip ring that he had on and semi wanted to you do it again. "you look hot."

"thanks." he whispered against your thumb and you pulled your hands back.

your eyes stayed on his lip and admired how well it fit with his appearance. "do you think i could ever put eyeliner on you?" you asked and put your phone away.

"maybe one day." semi ran his tongue over the ring and your eyes followed that action.

"really?" you asked hopefully. "you usually say no when i ask to do things."

"it can't be that bad. easily washes off, unlike pink hair." he shrugged.

"let me dye it and then you can just dye it back." you said and ran your hands through his hair. "please." semi slightly tilted his head back into your hands and enjoyed the feeling of it.


"I'm going to ask you it every day until you say yes." you kept pushing his hair back and he looked up at you.

"you do that." he let out a small frown when you pulled your hands back. you stood up and pulled him up with you.

"let's go to practice." you dragged him out while walking backward and out of the room. he let you drag him while grabbing your drumsticks on the way since you left them on the table.

"do you think we could all fit in one car?" tendou asked while placing his arm on the top of yachi's head.

"there's an eight-seater car in the garage." ushijima informed everyone while spinning the keys around his finger.

"let's go then!" saeko ran off to make sure she got the front seat. "i wanna drive."

"oh no." kiyoko and yachi said at the same time.

"saeko's driving?" you asked excitedly and let go of semi's hands. "brilliant!"

"everyone in!" reon shouted and opened the door. you, tendou, nad semi were in the back, yachi, ushijima, and reon in the middle, and then kiyoko and saeko in the front.

"should we buckle up?" tendou asked.

"it's for the best." you grabbed your seatbelt and quickly put it on. "eita come on." you reached across semi's chest to pull the seatbelt over him.

"wearing the ring again?" tendou asked and looked at the ring on semi's lip.

"yeah, thought i'd bring it out again." semi moved his legs around uncomfortably.

"cool.. cool." tendou narrowed his eyes at semi and when semi turned his head to look at tendou he sent a pointed look down at you.

semi moved his arm to place it behind you and shoved tendou's face. you turned your head to look at semi and he gave you a short smile.

then you looked over at tendou and semi's hand immediately dropped onto your shoulder.

"now let me just." tendou pushed semi's arm down from the seat and onto your shoulders.

"what-" before semi could take his arm back saeko was already driving out of the driveway. "holy shit!"

"that's what i said the first time!" you grabbed semi's hand and held onto it.

tendou was complaining about not having a window seat and semi was holding onto you for dear life.

"this is pretty cool." ushijima said and was holding onto the bar at the top of the car.

"how you holding up eita?" you asked.

"not good-" saeko suddenly made a sharp turn making you slid over to semi and into his chest. "never mind i'm great."

tendou's hand suddenly slapped semi across the face. you didn't really know if it was on purpose or accident.

"i think i have more of a chance of getting a head injury with her driving than on a motorcycle." semi said into your ear.

"maybe you need you start bringing your helmet everywhere you go." you answered and felt into lightly laugh against your neck.

"maybe i do."

"someone get me away from these two." tendou reached over the seat and held onto ushijima's shoulders.

"come on tendou." you raised your legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him back and you wrapped your arms around him.

"get me out of here." tendou tried getting your arms off him but you held on tight.

"never." you had your arms around tendou and semi had his arm around you.

"you alright yachi?" reon asked when yachi was holding onto her seatbelt for dear life.

"i'm great." she nodded and stared ahead of her.

"we should definitely do this more often." you said, earning a mix of yes and no.

"yes if i don't have to sit with you two." tendou gave him and was now leaning against you.

"you like sitting with me don't you?" you tilted your head up at semi.

"yeah. it's fun." he answered. he had one foot against the back of the second row seat to keep himself from falling or sliding.

"i think we should do this more often." you said and leaned your head against semi's chest.

"oh come on. we're here already." saeko complained as she parked the car. "i was having fun."

"freedom!" tendou climbed out of the backseat and landed on ushijima's lap. "excuse me. thank you." tendou opened the door and ran out of the car.

you and semi waiting until reon pushed the second seat fowards and let an opening for you two.

when semi's back was turned you took that opportunity to get on his back. "let's go my royal chariot. up the stairs you go."

"as you wish." semi's hands were on your legs to support you up. you were close enough that your breathing was landing on his neck and that sent goosebumps to his skin. "do i get a reward for this?"

"i don't know, depends on what you want."


"i'll tell you when i find out."

and he would find that reward very soon.

when the guy falls first >>

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