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requested by @noortje_ hope you like this!


It hits you like a storm. Anxiety and fear roll in like thunder, and panic falls like rain. You can feel your heartbeat in your fingertips.

Everything slows down. Wind rushes through your hair and flies through your body as the building above you becomes smaller and smaller, and the sidewalk beneath you becomes bigger and bigger.

You get it now.

You fell off the building.

This is the end.

Everything sinks in at once as your arms flail beside you and you catch a glimpse of Shawn on the peak of the building, waving.

He pushed you. You try your best to turn, but it seems to be a rush of wind before you cry. One hundred stories or more, and it's over. It's over. It's-

You jolt up, your eyes shooting open. You didn't mean to, but a shriek escapes your lips. You feel your sweaty palms shake as salty tears roll down your cheeks and drop onto the blanket.

Your breath shakes as you exhale and you can seemingly still feel yourself falling, caving, flying.

Suddenly the door bursts open and the light flickers on, revealing a tired but well alert Shawn. He looked like he had just finished running a marathon.

"Y/N!" he yells when he sees you, instantly rushing to your side. You could feel your breathing unsteady, eyes struggling to adjust to the sudden illumination of your bedroom.

He hops onto your bed and envelopes you in a tight hug, the two of your hearts beating a million beats per second. He wraps his strong arms around your waist and pulls you securely to his chest, whispering into your ear, "It's okay. It was just a dream, love. It's okay."

You try your hardest to calm down, to accept that everything will be alright. You feel him plant kisses all over your face and your head and your arms and your neck.

"I'm here now," he whispers heavily, "I'm not going anywhere."


Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now