Sick Days

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Imagine for @justsaydallas, freaking love this idea.


Last week, you and your best friend Shawn made plans to go to formal together since both of you were single and didn't have anyone to go with. A lot of people were just going with their friends, so you didn't think it would be a big deal to go with him.

Tonight was the night, and Shawn was texting you asking what color your dress was so he knew what color tie to wear. You go into the bathroom and take a mirror-selfie, which turned out really bad and blurry, but you send it anyway because it still showed the whole idea of the dress.

He responds immediately.

Woah. Low quality pic but high quality female. You can't look better than me, Y/N.

You roll your eyes and type, oh please.

Setting your phone down on the bathroom counter, you feel an ache in your stomach. You groan and rummage under the sink for some tums, but then it happens so quickly and you throw up all over the floor.

Dizzy and somewhat disgusted, you wipe your mouth and clean everything up, then brush your teeth and collapse on the bed. Your phone starts going off from the bathroom and you remember Shawn.

Picking up your phone, you quickly type,

I'm sick. I can't make it. I'm sorry.

After a while it shows that he read it but didn't respond, which confused you.

You walk into the kitchen and get a bottle of water, still in your formal dress, when the doorbell rings.

Not bothering to look through the peephole, you swing it open, revealing Shawn with a smile on his face, holding a stack of chick-flicks, a bottle of 7-up, and a few board games.

"Oh my god," you face palm.

"We made plans to hang out tonight and hanging out tonight is what we will do. Tonight," he says as he steps in, setting everything down on the couch. He looked unbearably handsome in his snappy tuxedo, hair slicked back into a clean, lovely new style.

"Shawn, I'll get you sick -"

"Who cares?" he rolls his eyes. "This was our night."

You smile and ease into the comfort of the couch. "Thank you for doing this," you blush.

He playfully hits your shoulder.

"Anything for you."

So you spend the whole night playing board games and drinking 7-up, which was actually really settling on your stomach, gotta remember to thank Shawnyboo for that one.

After he'd beaten you in three games of Guess Who, you throw your head back and groan. "Can we watch a movie now? While You Were Sleeping? Titanic?"

He giggles. "Someone is a sore loser."

"Ugggh, Shawn.. "

He bites his lip cutely, which nearly made you lose your chill. "Okay, fine."

You sort through the pile of DVD's and find One Day, so you put it in the player and sit back on the couch. Squeezing in next to Shawn, you pull on the edge of the blanket that Shawn was hogging.

"Y/N, oh lord," he rolls his eyes, scooting closer to you so you could both share the blanket.

You flinch at the sudden nerve-wracking feeling of his body pressed against yours, and look up at him to see if he noticed anything. He was looking at the screen, though, his gaze never wavering.

You cuddle in next to him, head resting on his chest, his arm draped around the small of your body and holding you to him. You stay that way throughout the whole duration of the movie.

When it at last came to an end, he startles you by blurting out, "Y/N I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMETHING SERIOUS."

You cover your mouth and giggle.
"Okay.. what?"

"Well, it's actually a weird question. We're best friends, right?"

"Definitely," you nod, still in a joking mood.

"Okay, be serious. Be serious. I don't want to be friends anymore."

You suppress a laugh, and then open your eyes to see him staring at you with a blank expression.

"Wait, what?" your face drops. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. I want to be more than friends."

Your stomach twists itself into a knot, and you have to turn away from him to hide your unforeseen grin. You knew you had to think of something clever and sarcastic before things got awkward.

"Oh!" you pipe up, averting your eyes to him once again, fingers pressed against his warm abdomen. "So like. . . you want to be. . . mega friends?"

He shrugs. "That and I want to be your boyfriend. If, you know, if that's cool with you."

You scoot closer to him and look up. "I like you too, Shawny," you admit with a smile.

"Really? 'Cause I -"

Quickly, you close the gap between the two of you and crash your lips onto his, slowly rising your hands over his body and running your thin fingers through his dark hair. That took everything within you to pull off, and you had your fingers crossed that you played it out effortlessly. But the moment his lips began to move across yours, all other fears and worries were hushed into oblivion.

He cups your chin in the palm of his strong hand, and with the other, he smoothes down your back gently, pressing you forward.

When you pull away, you noticed that his now beet-red lips were slightly wet, and he smiles crookedly, his eyes crinkling.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for that," he gushes like a little kid, "But if I wake up tomorrow sick, we're so not mega friends anymore."




which reminds me how are you cookies enjoying Sanity? some of you have messaged me saying that you're hooked and I love you all sfm.

Anyways thanks for reading, bye (:

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